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Thursday, January 14, 2016


“So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!’”  2 Corinthians 5:20
     So many Christians today wonder what God’s will is for them.  I believe there is a general will that applies of all believers and a specific or personal will that involves determining what your gifts are and using them to the glory of God.  This verse gives us a glimpse into the general will of God; once saved we become ambassadors for Christ.  An ambassador is an authorized messenger or representative.  To best represent our Lord we must know Him personally and know what He teaches.  We need to understand why He died and what that means for all those who have surrendered their will to Him.  A native Peruvian would be a poor choice to be an ambassador for the country of Greece.  He knows nothing of their culture or their economic or sociological history.  One must truly know that which they are representing.  Another example would be that an individual who just walked in cold off the street would be an ill equipped representative for a bank or a cell phone company, for example.  You have to know all about that which you are representing.  Therefore, it stands to reason that you would need to know as much about the Lord as you could. 
     Our lives should show people the way to Christ.  The words we choose when we speak should positively represent our Savior.  The things we do must reflect those things that Christ would do.  We are a work in progress.  We will stumble before we walk and walk before we run, but it is in the striving to be like Jesus that growth takes place.
     We are to be as a beacon, leading wayward souls to the light before they have the chance to crash among the rocks of despair and heartache.  Forgiveness provides healing and a sense of hope that the world could never offer.  Be a faithful ambassador for Jesus Christ so that the world can know who He is and why they need to know Him.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

NOTE:  The translation used is the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION; Publisher – Tyndale House.

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