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Monday, February 3, 2020

A Brief Look at the Prophet Jonah - Part 1

Purpose: To show the extent of God’s grace – the message of salvation is for all people.
Author: Jonah, son of Amittai.
Who was this a message to: All of Israel.
When Written: Approximately 785-760 BC.
Setting: Jonah preceded Amos & prophesied during the reign of Israel’s most powerful king Jeroboam II.

            Nineveh was located at a northern most point of what is called “The Fertile Crescent” within the borders of the Assyrian Empire. In existence for approximately 3000 years, Nineveh had been known for its decadent behavior, thus earning the name ‘The Evil City’. God commissioned Jonah, a Jew, to “get up and go to the great city of Nineveh.” Jonah found this mission to be distasteful. He knew of their evil ways and frankly didn’t want to see them repent. He wanted them to be punished for their behavior. So Jonah went in the opposite direction from Nineveh securing passage on a ship leaving for Tarshish.
            This book is a lesson in the mercy and patience the Lord has with his children. Knowing full well what Jonah’s thoughts were and where he was going he caused a violent storm to rise up and toss the ship he was on. The fearful crew on the ship prayed to their gods to no avail. Knowing his running from God was the cause of this fearsome storm he told the captain of the ship to toss him overboard and the sea would become calm again. They tried to avoid doing this until it became apparent that was the only way the crew would be saved. 
            Now God arranged for a great fish (most believe it to be a whale) to swallow Jonah and he was inside the fish for 3 days and 3 nights.”* On the Lord’s orders the great fish spit Jonah onto a beach. A 2nd time God spoke to Jonah saying, “go to Nineveh and deliver the message I have given you.” This time Jonah obeyed and the king of Nineveh repented along with the entire city.  There is a sad end to the story in that the revival lasted until shortly after 600 BC, when the Ninevites returned to their sinful ways. God sent another (unnamed) prophet with a warning of destruction. This time they didn’t listen and in 612 BC Nineveh was completely destroyed. – More on Jonah tomorrow. Until that time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible
This event makes Jonah an OT type of Christ. Jonah was 3 days in the belly of a whale; Jesus was 3 days in the grave. 

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