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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thoughts From a Random Mind

            When people say they have to be good so they can get to heaven, what do they mean? Obviously, they mean that all it takes to spend eternity with Almighty God is to be good. Good by what standard? There has to be a universal standard in place. What one person thinks is required to be classified, as a good person will not be the same as someone else. That’s simply human nature. Humans tend to look out for themselves first. This is what makes God’s standard for living so different. Jesus taught that we are to do to others, as we would have them do to us. This is not a conditional instruction. We aren’t to do this as long as they reciprocate in like manner. No, regardless of how they respond we are to treat them as the Lord would have us treat them and as the Lord treats us as well. This is how we become a light shining in darkness. This is one way to draw someone out of darkness into the light of Christ.
            We are not a good people. Even Jesus said in the Gospels, “Why do you call me good. No one is good except for your Father in heaven”. If even Jesus isn’t considered good, then what hope is there for us?  There is no way to become good enough to earn entrance into heaven. This is exactly why God became man and dwelt among us. This is why he ministered to the people. And this is very specifically why Jesus allowed himself to be beaten and bruised, then spiked to a wooden cross. His sacrifice was once for all time. That is being selfless. That is being far more than good that is being godly and righteous.   
            A question you can ask a borderline believer or person outside the family of faith is “If all it takes to get to heaven is to be good, then who determines not only what is good, but what is good enough?” Man is woefully unqualified to determine what is good or bad. Pre-conceived notions, regional / cultural differences and our emotions make it nearly impossible to be just and fair with our standard of living. Only a Supreme Being can make that determination. Believe what you want, but make sure you’re right because an eternity is a very, very long time. Only God can be trusted everyday, all the time. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing. rlkeller

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