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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Brief Look at the Prophet Malachi

“The Day of Judgment is coming, burning like a furnace…but for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” – Malachi 4:1-2 NLT
                  Malachi was the last written prophet and the final prophet before the 400-year gap till the coming of the Messiah. His name means “my messenger”. This book was written in roughly 430 BC. 
            Repairing relationships between 2 or more created beings can be difficult but repairing a relationship with God is infinitely easier because of his mercy, grace and unconditional love. As you have seen throughout this series of devotionals on the Minor Prophets, the Jewish people have had a rollercoaster existence with their God. Warnings regarding their disobedience seemed to be continual. Sometimes they repented, other times they didn’t listen and suffered the loving judgment from a Heavenly Father that sought their undying devotion. This book is yet another warning to the people of Jerusalem, capital of Judah, regarding their sins and broken relationship with God.
            Malachi’s words reminded the Jews of their willful disobedience. In other words, they knew what to do, yet did the opposite anyway. Their broken relationship with their God was due to the following sins: 1- Showing contempt for God’s name (Mal 1:6); offering defiled sacrifices (Mal 1:7-14); led others into sin (Mal 2:7-9); broke God’s laws (Mal 2:11-16); called evil ‘good’ (Mal 2:17); kept God’s tithes and offerings for themselves (Mal 3:8-9); and had become arrogant. With God nothing is beyond repair. Grace is undeserved favor. God chooses to administer grace and mercy because he knows his creature came from dust and to dust will return.
            The Prophet shares a promise from God that tells of the coming of the prophet Elijah, who will offer God’s forgiveness to all people thru repentance and faith (Mal 4:5-6). The prophet Elijah was the greatest prophet who ever lived, yet it was not Elijah raised from the dead, but rather Elijah in the form of John the Baptist who would announce the Messiah’s coming. 
            In the final (4th) chapter, Malachi gives us all some practical guidelines regarding our commitment to God. He deserves our absolute best each day; we must be willing to change our wrong ways of living; we need to make our family a lifelong priority; we should be sensitive to God’s refining process in our life; we should tithe our income and leave no room in our hearts for pride. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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