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Tuesday, January 19, 2016


“The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth.  He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.  The Lord protects all those who love him, but he destroys the wicked.”  Psalm 145:18-20
     There are several phrases I want to focus on in these verses.  The phrase “call on him” is something I’d like to talk about first.  Many folks call of the Lord when things are at their worst, as a last resort rather than a first line of defense.  God loves us so much that he died for us, yet many times we treat him as an after thought.  The Lord knows all about our various situations and will answer our call to him with assistance at any time.  In return for such action he requires that those who truly know him follow his standard for living.  If we do we’ll be less likely to encounter as many pitfalls in this life.  Oh, we won’t suddenly have a problem free, pristine life void of trials and tribulations, but thru knowledge of him and his word we will know how to walk thru them by faith.
     The phrase “those who fear him” has always intrigued me.  Let me make one thing clear, God has no desire for us to be afraid of him in the typical sense of the word.  Fear in this usage means to have a feeling of awe and respect for the party that is being focused on.   Awe is to have overwhelming wonder and admiration.  Those who don’t know God will have a sense of dread or terror on the last day when they go before him face to face to give an accounting of their life. But for those who fear him, he hears and rescues them. 
     Who are the wicked?  Are they only those who are obviously against God and his ways?  Or are the wicked any who ignore the edicts of God and go about life their own way, answering to no one but their selves.  While God still loves them, as he does any in his creation, their rebellion keeps him at a distance.  Judgment is coming for those who avoid God’s plan for life.  It doesn’t have to be that way but apparently millions are insisting on having things their own way.  Draw close to God and feel his power to save.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

NOTE: The NEW LIVING TRANSLATION; Publisher: Tyndale House.

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