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Friday, March 11, 2016


“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT
       This is part of the speech Moses gave to the people where he broke down the rules and regulations God commanded for them to follow.  The above statement follows his saying that though Israel is the smallest of the nations they will conquer their enemies in the name of the Lord and be forever His people.  God made a covenant, or binding agreement, in this case of a divine nature, with the children of Israel, to love them and watch over them.  The caveat in all this is that they are to love Him and in so doing obey His commands.  To not do so is to break the covenant.  While God would always love them, there would be negative consequences that would arise out of their disobedience. We see evidence of this throughout the Old Testament.
       We believers today are bound by a covenant of a different nature with God.  The Old Testament followers of Jehovah were under the Law, also known as the Mosaic Law.  Since Christ’s death believers worldwide have been under an umbrella of grace or God’s divine and completely undeserved favor.  The same stands as true today as it did back in Moses day, in that, if you love the Lord you will obey His commands.  We are to be a holy people, set apart for the Master’s use.  We are to live for Him and not ourselves.  We are to seek ways to serve Him in our daily lives.  Yes, we need to work or go to school or whatever other responsibilities we may have, but it’s all to be done under the cloak of His loving grace.  We need to be aware of His presence and trust the Lord to lead us where He knows we need to be to be the greatest benefit for His kingdom.
       We are His ambassadors on this earth.  We represent God each day with our lives since the day we asked for and received His complete forgiveness for our sins.  We must ask the Lord to give us whatever it takes to be true to our covenant with Him so as to live a most productive, satisfying and fulfilling life in His name.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

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