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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


“O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them.” Isaiah 25:1 New Living Translation  
     The Prophet Isaiah gives a glowing profession of continued faith in God.  He sees the Almighty as one who keeps his promises and that gives birth to confidence. God’s plans have been set since the foundations of the earth. Since before man’s first breath he knew the path man would take. God had a plan set in stone to remedy man’s folly. Nothing in all of creation could or can thwart the Lord’s plans. It may have seemed to some at the time of Christ’s death that God had been defeated, but they were wrong, because Christ rising from the grave to conquer death was God’s intention all along.
     Because of who God is and not for what he has done, we should praise his name. Make no mistake about it, we should praise him for what he has done for us as well, but even if he had done nothing on our behalf, he should be praised simply for who he is. He is the creator God who gave you life. He gave you consciousness, thus giving you an identity. The Lord gave you a sense of right and wrong and then gave you the right to choose which path to take in life. It has been, is and always will be your choice which path you choose. Will you honor God with your life and rely on him to guide you in the direction you should go? Or will you feel you have it all together and don’t need anyone’s assistance?
     The choices we make come with resulting consequences. God’s desire is that we would experience peace and contentment, in spite of our circumstances. Who has that desire for you if not him? No one else this side of heaven can provide what the Lord can. Is he worthy of all our honor and praise? Yes, but it is our choice whether we put him in his proper place of honor in our lives. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!

Resources: The Reformation Study Bible; The Life Application Study Bible.

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