The Questioning of Jesus
The gospel of John is the only one of the four gospels that has Jesus being led off to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the current High Priest. It was Caiaphas who was already plotting to have Jesus killed. While this was going on Peter was in the process of denying the Lord three times, as Jesus had prophesied.
Annas wished to know what Jesus had been teaching the crowds. Jesus basically told him to ask those who heard him, for nothing He said was a secret. One of the Temple guards took exception to Jesus’ reply and slapped Him across the face making the point that His response was disrespectful. The Lord wished to know why He was slapped since what He had said was the truth. It was a brief one question interrogation, after which Annas bound Jesus and sent Him on to his son-in-law the High Priest.
While the religious leaders were the cause of His physical pain, Jesus’ disciples also caused Him undo pain and anguish for they all fled to save themselves after He was arrested and taken away. Peter’s denials were the icing on the cake as it were. Jesus was alone on this earth and was about to be separated from His Father in due time. He knew it was coming and was undoubtedly not looking forward to it.
We have to go to the gospels of Matthew & Mark to see the details of the questioning by Caiaphas, as neither Luke, nor John mention it at all. The High Priest and the other religious leaders were there to question the Lord. Caiaphas had heard that Jesus had declared Himself the Son of God; Israel’s long awaited deliverer, their Messiah. Caiaphas asked Him directly if He was indeed the Messiah. Mark’s depiction has Jesus simply responding, “I AM”, which is what God told Moses to refer to Him as when he went back down the mount to the people in the Book of Exodus. Because of their intimate knowledge of the Torah* they knew very well what Jesus was saying. Therefore, Jesus’ response acknowledged His deity and equated Himself to Almighty God with just two words. He also tells of the future when the Son of Man will sit down at God’ right hand. With this Caiaphas tore his priestly robes** and cried out “Blasphemy!” Jesus’ admission sealed His fate.
Peter had proven Jesus right by denying any association with Him three separate times as he was attempting to see what was happening to his Lord. The events that had taken place, along with his denials must have been very traumatic for him. Matthew and Luke tell us Peter “wept bitterly” upon hearing the cock crow. It was then that the full realization of his actions were exactly as Jesus had said and it weighed heavy upon him.
Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
*The first five books of the Bible.
**Done out of grief, and/or anger.
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