Jesus Condemned
The religious leaders of Jerusalem wanted to get rid of Jesus in the worst way. It was the council of leaders who were at Caiaphas’ house attempting to question Jesus, but He wasn’t very talkative. All He did was acknowledge that He was, indeed, the long awaited Messiah; the Son of God. That was enough ... Blasphemy! They cried as many tore their robes. When someone tore their robe it was meant as a public & powerful sign of grief, sorrow and/or anger.
It was early in the morning following the predetermined trial the day before, that the entire high council, comprised of priests, elders, and teachers of the Mosaic Law tied up Jesus and led Him away to meet with Pilate, the Roman Governor. What the Jewish leaders wished to do was not allowed according to Roman law. Jesus would have to be condemned to death by a Roman leader.
Crucifixion was a means of death that the Jewish leaders demanded because they believed that such a death brought a curse from God. Therefore, if and when Jesus was crucified He would be seen as a rebel and slave, rather than a king.
Matthew & Mark were nearly verbatim in their depiction of the events that took place regarding Jesus condemnation. The Jewish leaders had predetermined the outcome of their trial of Jesus and thus it was no surprise when they bound Him up and sent Him off to face Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor for sentencing.
The charge of blasphemy would mean little to nothing to Pilate, a non-Jew so the religious leaders invented three other crimes that according to them Jesus had committed. 1) Jesus was encouraging the people NOT to pay their taxes to Rome; 2) He claimed to be a King; and 3) Jesus was causing riots throughout the countryside. Of course, none of these accusations were even remotely true, but the Leaders needed to appease Pilate by conjuring up accusations that would have seemed to be a threat of some sort to the Roman Government.
Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
Resource: The Life Application Study Bible
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