In a world with so much deceit and lying goes on as a regular part of life, we see these words in scripture. The word of God is true. In fact it is the essence of truth. It is a truth that everything else can be judged by. Can I prove it’s true? No more than I can prove God exists. It too is a matter of faith. Christianity is a faith-based belief system. I have chosen to believe God exists and I have chosen to belief His word is the absolute truth. I believe God’s righteous laws are now and forever. I believe He provides the one true standard that we can live by. It doesn’t work for some and not for all; it works for all who believe. Don’t just believe in God, let Him change your way of thinking, the way you do things; let Him change you from the inside out. The word of God stands as a testament to the fairness and mercy that is God. If He were not fair and merciful would any man be left standing in the end? Choose to believe. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!