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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Friday, November 28, 2014


“Sing to the Lord, all the earth;
 proclaim his salvation day after day.  Declare his glory among the nations,
 his marvelous deeds among all peoples.  For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
 he is to be feared above all gods.  For all the gods of the nations are idols,
 but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him;
 strength and joy are in his dwelling place.”  1 Chronicles 16:23-27
         King David placed the Ark of the Covenant of God in a tent set aside for the Lord. He appointed Levites, the tribe that were anointed the priests of God, to minister before the tent expressing praise and words of worship to their God.  Above is some of what they had said.
         Every day of our lives God is at work making our path straight and our way clear.  Every day we have air in our lungs to breath when we rise in the morning, it is because of Almighty God.  Even when a terrible plight comes upon us He is present to see us through it.  His deeds have been chronicled throughout scripture, yet we easily forget how great our God truly is.  He is worthy to be praised every day, not just on a solitary day late in November. Thanksgiving has been so secularized that God is barely recognized at all in many households. 
         The gods of this world are all false and lifeless.  Anything that steals away your time causing you to shift your focus off of our life giving, soul saving God is an idol to you.  We’ve stopped reading His word and allowed the world and it’s troubles to creep into our hearts.  We become lazy regarding the things of the Lord, choosing rather to do just about anything else instead.  If we disregarded our spouses the way we disregard the Creator of the Universe we’d end up in divorce court.  Just because we cannot experience Him with our senses we find it easy to dismiss Him thinking we’ll give Him time at a later date.  God patiently waits for us to pull ourselves together and come back to the alter where we can meet with Him in solitude and listen to Him minister peace to our soul.
         The world is calling.  Will you go off to engage in that which is easy and fun or will you stay the course and enjoy the ease, enjoyment, peace and hope that God provides in the comfort of His arms?  The world is like the hollow chocolate Santa you eat around the holidays.  It provides pleasure for a season, but is without substance inside.  Worship God year round, but especially during the season that celebrates Christ’s birth. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!