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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Monday, April 6, 2020

Thoughts from a Random Mind

“Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be the strong person God created you to be!” – Unknown
                  Just because we are followers of Christ doesn’t mean we won’t be thrust into a bad situation every now and again. At times it seems like the bad times will never end, but good times or bad, God is always right there in the midst of it. We may feel alone and even be alone in the physical sense, but in the Spirit our Triune God is in and all around us. When we feel alone we can ask God to manifest himself in a real way so you can know in our hearts that he is present. Feeling alone can be like standing in a pitch black room. There could be a room full of people but because we are unaware of their presence in the room our mind tricks us into thinking we are the only one in the room at that time. That’s when trust in God comes into play. A large pitch black room can be intimidating if we allow it to be. The difference is what we perceive to be true, which becomes our reality, and what is literally true, whether we realize it or not. Turning on a light takes a situation that requires faith and removes faith from the equation. No faith is required in a lit room, for we can see everything for what it is.
            Regardless of our situation, we need to remain positive, as being negative serves no good purpose. Negative thought feeds upon itself making the fear more real to us. Frankly, I can’t think of any situation off the top of my head that requires negative thinking. At times being realistic in the face of a difficult situation can appear to be negative, but it is simply taking a given situation and making it an “it is what it is” moment. Most times we cannot change the reality of our circumstances. We end up enduring it thru to the end. How we deal with it has everything to do with our disposition. Trusting God has everything to do with our circumstances. Negative thoughts short circuit our disposition, making us cranky, bitter, irritable and incapable of making proper decisions. We can be motivated by fear or disappointment, but either way we cannot function the way the Lord intended us to.
             There is so much in this world that we don’t know or understand. God knows everything that can be known. We, comparatively speaking, comprehend barely a sliver of the mountain of information that can be known. We need not question everything that takes place in life. We also need not criticize God for his apparent lack of action. We are incapable of providing effective, life changing leadership and guidance without direction from God’s Holy Spirit. Focus on Christ and nothing else. Everything outside of Almighty God is unnecessary. We have them for our comfort and ease. Our faith and trust in God is being tested. In the end our trust must be in the Lord, for in the eternal scheme of things he is the only one who can help us. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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