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Saturday, September 30, 2023

MATTHEW: Spotlight on Joseph

             “The strength of what we believe is measured by how much we are willing to suffer for those beliefs. Joseph was a man with strong beliefs. He was prepared to do what was right, despite the pain he knew it would cause.”Joseph also always tried to do things the right way, according to God. Mary told Joseph she was pregnant and at that moment he knew the child was not his because he had yet to lie with her because they weren’t married at that point in time. Joseph respected Mary’s character, still he had a hard time believing the ‘other man’ was God. 

            Acting in justice and love Joseph decided to quietly break off their engagement, thus avoiding the public shame that would surely follow had it been done any of way. It was at that point that God sent a messenger (an angel) to confirm Mary’s story and tell Joseph it was alright to take Mary as his bride. Joseph obeyed God. He didn’t lie with her until the birth of the child, thus honoring her virginity.

            We have no idea how long Joseph lived, for the last mention of him was when Jesus was 12 years old. While alive, Joseph trained Jesus in carpentry, saw to it he had the best spiritual training in Nazareth and made sure to take the entire family to Jerusalem for Passover, which Jesus continued to do as an adult.

            The angel’s message to Joseph galvanized his belief that Jesus was someone very special. That strong belief and his willingness to follow God’s leading empowered him to be the earthly father of Jesus.



* A man of integrity

* A descendant of King David

* Jesus’ legal, earthly father

* A person who was sensitive to God’s guidance. He was willing to do God’s will no matter what the consequences.



* God honors integrity

* Social position means little when God chooses to use us

* Being obedient to the guidance we have from God leads to more guidance from him

* Feelings are not an accurate measuring stick regarding the rightness or wrongness of an action.


            Up next is a spotlight on King Herod. Until then walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, September 28, 2023


            The Gospel of Matthew records 9 special events that aren’t mentioned in the other 3 gospels. In each case the most apparent reason for Matthew’s choice has to do with his purpose in communicating the gospel to Jewish people. 5 verses end up fulfilling OT prophecies (marked by an asterisk below). The other 4 would have been of particular interest to the Jews in Matthew’s day. Here are the gospel accounts found only in this gospel:


Matthew 1:20-24 - Joseph’s dream ... “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.” *

Matthew 2:1-12 - The visit of the wise men to see the Christ child

Matthew 2:13-15 - Mary & Joseph’s escape to Egypt based on angelic warning. *

Matthew 2:16-18 - The slaughter of male children*

Matthew 27:3-10 - The death of Judas*

Matthew 27:19 - The dream of Pilate’s wife regarding Jesus’ innocence.

Matthew 27:52 - The resurrection of others when Jesus died ... “and tombs opened. The bodies of godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead.”

Matthew 28:11-15 - The bribery of the guards to say the disciples came for Jesus body in the night.

Matthew 28:19-20 - The baptism emphasis in the great commission*


            The Gospel of Matthew has a few side bars that I will be posting for your information and edification. There’s one on King Herod, one on the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the Temptation of Christ in the wilderness, just to name a few. I believe these side bars will nicely supplement the text and the message the gospel is trying to share. Until that time, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

MATTHEW: The Mega-Themes

1) JESUS CHRIST, THE KING - Jesus is revealed as the King of kings. His miraculous birth, his life, and his teachings, plus his miracles, and his triumph over death show us his true identity. Jesus isn’t equal to any other person or power on the earth that he created. He is the supreme being who rules over time and eternity, heaven, and earth, both humans and angels. He needs to be given his rightful place as our personal Lord and King.


2) JESUS CHRIST, THE MESSIAH* - Jesus was the long awaited Messiah; the One the Jews expected to deliver them from their Roman oppressors. Because they were expecting a warrior king they didn’t recognize him when he came as a baby. They were unaware of God’s true mission; to have the anointed Son of God set all people free from sin’s oppression. The oppression of the Romans wasn’t eternal, but the consequences of sin were and are. 

            Christ came to not only be our savior, but our deliverer. Since God sent him to save us from ourselves and the sins we’ve accumulated, we ought to trust him with our lives. God has had his hand in every good thing we’ve done in his name, therefore we should readily acknowledge his position over us and give ourselves to him for scripture is clear, he only has our best interests in mind. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." 3 John 2:2 says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. God always has our best interests at heart. God wants us to prosper in body and soul.”


3) THE KINGDOM OF GOD - Jesus came to earth to begin his Kingdom. His FULL Kingdom will be realized at his return and will be made up of anyone who has faithfully served him. The way to enter God’s Kingdom is by faith - believing in Christ to save from us and alter the path we are on. It’s the work for the Kingdom that readies us for his return.


4) JESUS TEACHINGS - Jesus taught thru sermons, illustrations, and parables**. Thru his teachings he revealed the true ingredients of faith and how to avoid a fruitless and hypocritical life. His teachings show us how to prepare for life in his eternal Kingdom by living according to his statutes now. Jesus was a living example of how we ought to live in this life ... therefore we are expected by God to practice what we preach or teach to others. Remember, our lives may be the only bible some folks will ever read. Live what you believe.


5) CHRIST’S RESURRECTION - When Jesus rose from the dead he rose in power as the true King that he was. His resurrection from the dead established his victory over death and showed he had divine power to conquer evil. Most would consider death to be the end of the road, but Jesus won over death and rose to new life. Like water baptism, where it is said that our old life dies when we submerge into the water and rise to new life once we come up from the water, Christ died and then rose to new life. Sin and death have no hold on us for Christ’s death and resurrection shattered the chains that sin, and death bound us up in.

            God’s plan could never be thwarted by evil. We simply must believe that Jesus will return for us and trust him in all things prior to his return. Eternal life is the reward for all who faithfully serve him throughout their life. When he returns isn’t nearly as important as our being ready when he does.


            Up next is a write up of certain events that are found exclusively in Matthew’s Gospel.

Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

* rescuer, savior, deliverer - a person who rescues you from harm or danger.

** A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

MATTHEW at a glance (2)

B) The Message & Ministry of Jesus, the King (Matthew 4:12-25:46)


            How should believers live in the Kingdom of God? Jesus addresses that in his Sermon on the Mount, giving specific directives on how to act and react throughout life. He used parables* to illustrate the difference between HIS Kingdom and the kingdoms of the earth. Paramount to this life is having a heart that forgives, exudes and promotes peace, and puts others first over themselves, as in being ‘selfless’ ... a derivative of humility. These characteristics make a person great in God’s Kingdom. We are called by Christ to live by his standards now, not whenever the spirit moves us. We are to be dedicated to a life that honors God. Jesus came not only to pay our sin debt, but to SHOW US how to live as faithful servants in his Kingdom.


C) The Death & Resurrection of Jesus, the King (Matthew 26:1-28:20)


            The Jews expected a warrior king who would squash the oppressive Roman governing body. Instead, they got a baby who grew up to be a peace merchant who spread love and charity to his listeners. The Pharisees saw him as a threat to their order of things. Jesus was on to their cheap imitation of God’s laws, as they had added hundreds of additional, miniscule new laws to keep the people under their control. The Jews in power, the ruling elite, rejected Jesus and everything he stood for. It may seem strange that a King would be accused and arrested for promoting peace and sharing mercy, but that is how deep the ruling classes distain for Jesus was. It was at his resurrection that he demonstrated his divine power even over death itself. With all the evidence scripture reveals that Jesus is indeed God’s Son, all men should accept him as Lord and Savior of their life. No other choice is viable. No other choice makes sense. “For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name, which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” [Philippians 2:9-11]


            Up next are the Mega-Themes from Matthew. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

* A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.

Monday, September 25, 2023

MATTHEW at a glance

PURPOSE: The disciple Matthew wrote his own gospel account of Jesus’ life, ministry, and death as a means of proving that He was/is the Messiah ... the eternal King.

AUTHOR: Matthew Levi*

DATE WRITTEN: Roughly A.D. 60-65 

THE SETTING: Matthew was a Jewish tax collector, who became one of Jesus’ disciples. This Gospel forms the connecting link between the Old & New Testament because of its emphasis on the fulfilling of prophecy.

KEY VERSE: MATTHEW 5:17, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

SPECIAL NOTE: Matthew is filled with messianic language (e.g., “Son of David” is used throughout) and OT references (53 quotes and 76 other references). This Gospel was not written as a chronological account; its purpose was to present clear evidence that Jesus is the Messiah (the Savior).




A) The Birth & Preparation of Jesus, the King (Matthew 1:1-4:11)


            “The people of Israel were waiting for their Messiah, their king. Matthew begins his book by showing how Jesus Christ was a descendant of King David. Matthew goes on to show that God didn’t send Jesus to be an earthly king, but rather a heavenly King, for his kingdom would be much greater than David’s because it would never end. Even at Jesus’ birth, many recognized him as a King. Herod, the ruler at that time, as well as Satan himself, were afraid of Jesus’ kingship and tried to stop him, but others worshiped him and brought royal gifts. We must be willing to recognize Jesus for who he really is and worship him as King of our life.” [TLASB - P. 1985]


            Up next is part B of the BLUEPRINT ...  “The Message & Ministry of Jesus, the King (Matthew 4:12-25:46)” ... until then walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

Sunday, September 24, 2023



            The time period between the last verse of Malachi and the opening verse of the gospel of Matthew has been referred to as the “400 years of silence”. It was called that because God stopped speaking to the Jews thru his prophets. No prophets were called upon during the 400 year period. 

            The OT ended with a warning from Malachi and the NT began with a promise regarding the birth of God’s Son. “At the time of Malachi’s warning, about 430 B.C., the Jews had returned to Israel from the Babylonian captivity (as merchants, not shepherds). The Medo-Persian Empire still ruled Israel, and the temple had been rebuilt. Both the Law and the priesthood of Aaron’s line had been restored, and the Jews had given up their worship of idols. Nevertheless, Malachi’s warning was not without cause. The Jewish people were still mistreating their wives, marrying pagans, and not tithing, and the priests were neglecting the temple and not teaching the people the ways of God. In short, the Jews were not honoring God.

                  In 333 B.C., Israel fell to the Greeks, and a mere 10 years later, in 323 B.C. it fell to the Egyptians. The Jews generally were treated well throughout those reigns. They adopted the Greek language and many of the Greek customs and manners. In Egypt the Old Testament was translated into Greek. That translation, the Septuagint, came into widespread use (and is quoted frequently in the New Testament).    

            Jewish law and the priesthood remained more or less intact until Antiochus the Great of Syria captured Israel in 204 B.C. He and his successor, Antiochus Epiphanes, persecuted the Jews and sold the priesthood, and in 171 B.C. Epiphanes desecrated the Holy of Holies. This desecration resulted in an uprising by Judas Maccabeus of the priestly line of Aaron, and in 165 B.C. the Jews recaptured Jerusalem and cleansed the temple. However, fighting continued between the Jews and the Syrians until the Romans gained control of Israel in 63 B.C., at which time Pompey walked into the Holy of Holies, once again shocking, and embittering the Jews. In 47 B.C., Caesar installed Antipater, a descendant of Esau, as procurator of Judea, and Antipater subsequently appointed his two sons as kings over Galilee and Judea.

            As the New Testament opens, Antipater’s son, Herod the Great, a descendant of Esau, was king, and the priesthood was politically motivated and not of the line of Aaron. Politics also resulted in the development of two major factions, the Sadducees, and the Pharisees. The Sadducees favored the liberal attitudes and practices of the Greeks. They held to only the Torah as regards to religion but like most aristocrats they did not think God should have any part in governing the nation. The Pharisees were conservative zealots who, with the help of the scribes, developed religious law to the point where the concerns and care of people were essentially meaningless. Additionally, synagogues, new places of worship and social activity, had sprouted up all over the country, and religious and civil matters were governed by the lesser and the greater Sanhedrin’s, the greater Sanhedrin being comprised of a chief priest and seventy other members that handed out justice, sometimes by 39 lashes administered with full force.

            Between the time of Malachi and the coming of the Messiah, several prophecies were fulfilled, including the 2,300 days of desecration between 171 and 165 B.C. (Daniel 8:14). However, the people did not put to good use either the fulfilled prophecies nor the 400 years the nation was given to study Scripture, to seek God (Psalm 43-44), and to prepare for the coming Messiah. In fact, those years blinded and deafened the nation to the point where most of the Jews could not even consider the concept of a humble Messiah (Zechariah 9:9; Isaiah 6:10; John 12:40).

            Almost two millennia have passed since the New Testament canon was completed, and though the Word is full of grace and truth, and though the birth, life, and death of Jesus fulfilled a staggering array of prophecies, the Jews as a people have yet to open their eyes and ears. But Jesus is coming again, and one day a remnant will both see and hear.” [TLASB - P.1979]


            Up next we begin the NT with the gospel of Matthew. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible;

Saturday, September 23, 2023

MALACHI: Giving a 10th ...

          Whenever you talk about money, people tend to get a little tense and defensive ... especially when it comes to giving your hard earned money to the church. Perhaps people don’t understand the entire story regarding giving a 10th of all you have to the Lord. Here I will attempt to lay it all out so that we may all have a better understanding of what is meant by tithing in the modern world that we live in.

Malachi is the main OT book that specifically speaks on the topic, although examples of tithing are given throughout the OT scriptures.  It says in Malachi the following: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! 11 Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” [Malachi 3:10-11]

Solomon speaks of tithing in Proverbs 3:9-10 when he says: “Honor the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine”

            The idea that a person HAS to give one tenth of what he has to the Lord in church each week is a mistaken idea. We, as believers, don’t HAVE to do anything, including tithing, but once Christ enters our heart by his Holy Spirit a change of heart should be taking place. We now should WANT to give to God’s work.

            We no longer deal in tithing goods, such as cattle, or grain (etc.), but the one commodity we DO have is money. Some have a lot, some very little. Luke 21:1-4 speaks of a widow who had virtually nothing to give yet gave what she had: “While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small (copper) coins. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”

            We get from this accounting that we aren’t necessarily to give out of our excess but large or small, we are to give with a joyful heart as unto the Lord. It’s never a matter of volume, but rather of the proper attitude. Some folks casually toss several dollar bills or perhaps even a $5 bill in the offering plate thinking they had done their duty, but it’s never about that.  We should always give whatever we give with a joyful heart. 

Everything belongs to God, for he created all things. Just as the OT tithe was used to provide for the priests and those in need, so we tithe to enable our church to continue doing the Lord’s work. Again, we are not REQUIRED to tithe, but should from a grateful heart have the desire to assist in the sustaining of the church. 

            So you can see that tithing, while initiated in the OT, isn’t just an OT teaching and command. It spills over into the NT as well. It wasn’t just a Jewish practice to their God, but a universal concept that was practiced in many of the existing nations back then. Giving to God a portion of that which we have with a seriously grateful heart is both a blessing to the recipient and also to the giver. We do because we can. We do because we must, to facilitate the ministries of the church and the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

            “God promises blessings for those who faithfully tithe, and he says that refusing to tithe is like robbing him.”[TLASB - P. 1973] In Malachi 3:8, it is speaking of those who have reaped the benefits of knowing God yet refuse to tithe a 10th. Instead, they have chosen to enjoy 100% of God’s blessing, refusing to give back a portion of what he had given to them. It’s a matter of the heart. We also shouldn’t give just to get a blessing from God. He knows our heart’s motivation and responds positively to a humble, grateful heart. Ask God what you should give and do so with a grateful heart ... not as a requirement, but as an exercise of joy. Then rejoice, for God is so good to us all. 


            Up next I will address the 400 years of silence between the OT and NT. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource:, The Life Application Study Bible.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

MALACHI: The Mega-Themes

A) GOD’S LOVE - The amazing thing about God is that even when we ignore or disobey him he STILL loves us. And while he may be disappointed in our choices at times, loves us with a special type of unconditional love.  Luke illustrates God great love with the story of the prodigal son, spoken of in Luke 15:11-32. This son’s poor choice to take his inheritance and leave home eventually left him penniless, yet his father welcomed him back with open arms and even had a celebratory banquet in his honor. THAT is the kind of love God has for us. 

         What the Lord hates is hypocrisy & careless living. This was what the people of Judah had done. Sin is sin and all sin shall be punished. You can call the punishment consequences, or whatever you want, but sin is disobedience to God and his statutes and there is a price to pay for your sin. And you know what? You aren’t able to pay the price it cost for your sin.  Thru the generations Israel never quite got that message. Their history resembles a roller coaster as one generation serves God and then the next 3 or 4 turn away from God, and so on. We’ll never live a sinless life this side of heaven, but that should always be our goal, for if you do that you will please the Lord and end up spending eternity with him. So the lesson to be learned is that we all NEED Jesus, because he paid a debt that he didn’t owe, in the place of all those who couldn’t afford to pay.


B) THE SIN OF THE PRIESTS - The prophet Malachi singled out the Priests of his day. You see, they KNEW what God required, yet their sacrifices were deemed unworthy and their service insincere. Why? Because they were shown to be lazy, arrogant, & insensitive. Their attitude toward worship was very casual toward the worship of God and the following of his standards.

            If the leaders lead falsely, the congregation shall suffer, being misled regarding the seriousness of serving God according to his word. Neglect and insensitivity are acts of defiant disobedience. Just as God wished the Jews to be faithful and sincere leaders, so God wishes the same for us all. 


C) THE SIN OF THE PEOPLE - The Babylonian exile hadn’t taught the Jews anything, for many ignored the prophets that warned them and lived as they pleased. The Jewish men left their faithful wives to marry younger pagan women. This was against God’s law and a major strike against them. This sin negatively affected the wife that was left behind AND any children they might have had. Who would teach them God’s word? What manly example would be left to guide the children as they grew? 

            God deserves our very best honor, respect, and faithfulness; however, sin hardens a person’s heart and thus reveals their true spiritual condition. It behooves us NOT to allow pride to keep us from giving God our total devotion, a portion of our money (10% tithe), our marriage and our family. God is not a tyrant; he demands obedience because he only wants the absolute best for each and every one of his children ... that would include both you and me. Since God created each one of us, he knows us intimately, whether we know him or not.

He knows what is best for us all. That is why we should live according to his word as best we can with the guidance of his Holy Spirit.


D) THE LORD’S COMING - The real life example of God’s love for his creation is demonstrated by the Messiah’s coming. The blessings that come from following the Lord are immeasurable. The day of the Lord’s coming will be a day of comfort and healing for those who had been faithful. It will also serve as a day of judgment for all those who had and still do reject him. 

            At Christ’s first coming all who believed in him were refined and purified by Jesus. When he comes a second time he will expose and condemn those who are proud, insensitive, and unprepared. In spite of peoples sin(s) God is able to heal and forgive and it is what he wants to do. But man must seek it. Forgiveness is available to all who come to him.


Up next is a side bar on “giving a tenth” to the Lord, which Malachi addresses, along with other OT writers and one NT writer. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

MALACHI at a glance

PURPOSE: This prophet confronted the Jewish people of the southern kingdom regarding their sins and implored them all to restore their relationship with God.

AUTHOR: The prophet Malachi, whose name means “my messenger”. He served as a prophet to Judah around 430 BC. Malachi was the last of the OT prophets.

THE SETTING: Malachi, Haggai & Zechariah were postexilic prophets to Judah. Both Haggai & Zechariah took the people to task for their failure to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. Malachi took on the same people for their neglect of the Temple and their false and profane worship practices.

A KEY VERSE: “The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace...But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” [Malachi 4:1-2]

SPECIAL LITERARY STYLE: “Malachi’s literary style employs a dramatic use of questions asked by God and his people.” [e.g. - Malachi 3:7-8] 




1) The Sinful Priests (Malachi 1:1-2:9)

2) The Sinful People (Malachi 2:10-3:15)

3) The Faithful Few (Malachi 3:16-4:6)


            “Malachi rebuked the people & the priests for neglecting the worship of God and failing to live according to God’s will. The priests were corrupt; therefore, how could they lead the people? They had become stumbling blocks instead of spiritual leaders. The men were divorcing their wives and marrying pagan women; how could they have godly children? Their relationship with God had become unimportant... we need to take stock of ourselves by setting aside our sinful habits, putting the Lord first & giving God our very best every day.” [TLPSB - P.1970]            “Hypocrisy, neglecting God, and careless living have devastating consequences. Serving & worshiping God must be the primary focus of our life, both now and in eternity.” [TLPSB - P.1970]

                  Don’t allow your relationship with the Lord to be severed due to your sin. Remain faithful to God regardless of your circumstances. God is there to love, lead, and guide you wherever you need to go in his name. 


Up next are the Mega-Themes found in this book. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

ZECHARIAH: Mega-Themes

1) GOD’S JEALOUSY: The Jews of Israel ignored the prophets God sent to them, which made him very anger. Disobedience was the root cause of all their problems. They carelessly followed false leaders who lied and took advantage of them. God seeks complete devotion to him and no one or nothing else.

         To avoid the issues Israel faced we must keep from following their example. No matter what you may encounter, never reject God. Be very careful which Bible teacher you follow, for when you fail to use discernment regarding where you feed on spiritual food, you can receive false teaching that will lead you astray. You must always turn to God and obey his commands.


2) REBUILD THE TEMPLE: The Jews were discouraged, which manifest itself in a stall in the rebuild of the Temple. This ended up being a 10 year stretch where the people rebuilt their own homes ... everything but what God told them to do, which was to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. If you add the 10 year lag to the equation, it took 20 years to complete the rebuild (536 BC - 516 BC). Zechariah encouraged those Jews who returned from exile to continue the rebuilding, telling the workmen that God would both protect and empower them by his Holy Spirit to carry out his work.

            When God commands that something be done in his name, he never expects you to go it alone. It is the Holy Spirit of God, the 3rd person of the Trinity, who helps us if we solicit his help. There is nothing we cannot accomplish in the name of Christ that God doesn’t enable us to do.


3) THE KING IS COMING: The prophet Zechariah spoke of the coming Messiah, who would rescue the Jewish people from their sin and reign as their King. Once he returns he will establish his Kingdom, conquer all his enemies, and rule over all the earth. One day everything in all of creation will once again be under his loving and powerful control.

            Though the Jewish people were anticipating a warrior king, like David, the Messiah was just the opposite. He came as a servant to us ... the plan was for him to die in our place. He will return as a victorious King when the pre-ordained time is right. When he takes the throne, he will usher in peace throughout the world. Submit to his leadership so that you’ll be ready for the Messiah’s triumphant return. The only one who knows when Christ will return a second time is God the father, so it behooves us to be ready. Be like Jesus in all your thoughts, words, and actions. Stay focused on him at all times. Why? Because he died in your place to eradicate all your sin and has prepared a place in heaven where you can live with him for all eternity. I’d say that’s a pretty good reason, wouldn’t you?


4) GOD’S PROTECTION: God never forgets the covenants he has made with his people. Though troubles existed, just as they do today, God’s Word endures forever. The Lord loves his people and will deliver them from all the world powers that have oppressed them thru the ages. His love and personal care has been demonstrated throughout time for God keeps his promises. Remember this ... though our bodies may be destroyed, we will never need to fear where our final destination shall be if we love and obey our Lord.


Up next is the book of Malachi. This is the last book of the Old Testament. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible 

Monday, September 18, 2023

ZECHARIAH at a glance

PURPOSE: To give hope to God’s people by revealing God’s future deliverance thru the coming Messiah. We can read these prophecies, made some 500 years before Christ’s birth, and know God had a plan to save mankind from themselves and their natural predisposition to sin. This is a message of hope, albeit many years prior to its being manifest.

AUTHOR: The prophet Zechariah*

ORIGINAL AUDIENCE: The Jews in Jerusalem who had returned from their captivity in Babylon.

DATE WRITTEN: Chapters 1-8 were written between 520-518 B.C. Chapters 9-14 were written around 480 B.C.

THE SETTING: The exiles had returned from spending 70 years in Babylon to rebuild the Temple, but the work had stalled. Haggai and Zechariah confronted the people with their task and encouraged them to complete it.

SPECIAL NOTE: This book is the most apocalyptic** and messianic of all the minor prophets.







            Zechariah went about encouraging and edifying the Jewish people, telling them to put away their propensity to sin and continue rebuilding the Temple. The construction began in 536 B.C.; however, the work was halted in 530 B.C.*** At Haggai & Zechariah’s insistence, the people once again began to work on the rebuild. The prophets visions described the judgment of Israel’s enemies, the blessings that were coming to Jerusalem and the need for God’s people to remain pure. They were instructed to avoid hypocrisy, superficiality, and sin. Those visions provided hope to the people. 

            Zechariah’s messages were also a warning that the messianic kingdom would not come immediately following the completion of the Temple. Israel’s enemies would all be judged and then the King would come. This incredible blessing wouldn’t come to fruition until the people had experienced many difficult circumstances. It is a distinct possibility and downright certainty that sorrow, disappointment, and distress would come before Christ’s eternal Kingdom.

            Remember, God’s timing usually does not line up with ours. He knows exactly what he’s doing. His plan is flawless and shall manifest itself precisely when the Lord chooses to reveal it. This is all part of faith & trust. If you’re going to trust God, you better understand his workings, for he is always faithful and true and shall never let any of us down.


Up next are the Mega-Themes of the book of Zechariah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

* “The prophet Zechariah’s name means “Yahweh has remembered,” which might also be a good summary of the prophetic work that bears his name. We know little about Zechariah personally except that he was a priest as well. as a prophet and was a contemporary of Zerubbabel and the prophet Haggai.” []

** Apocalyptic - Relating to or predicting the end of the world, especially as described in the Bible or another religious text.

*** “...the Jews stopped rebuilding the temple due to opposition from the neighboring Samaritans. But other reasons crept in. At the time of Haggai's prophecies, some Jews simply said that the timing was not right (Haggai 1:2). Yet the time was right for them to build their own homes.” []

Sunday, September 17, 2023

HAGGAI: King Cyrus of Persia

            Babylon was a mighty empire that was a constant threat to Israel and other surrounding nations. They thought themselves invincible as no other nation had been able to rival their power and wealth.  Babylon took control of Judah in 605 BC, making their King Jehoiakim a token king of Judah, while in reality Jehoiakim was nothing more than a servant to Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar. After 3 years Jehoiakim rebelled by not paying the tribute tax, which was in reality more of a religious tax to support the Temple. Nebuchadnezzar squashed the rebellion and took prisoners to Babylon. Among this group were Daniel and his 3 friends.

In 597 BC Nebuchadnezzar encircled Judah with his army and destroyed it. In the process he took all the fine gold and silver items from the Temple along with 10,000 captives. Among them was the prophet Ezekiel. In 586 BC Jerusalem fell. The Temple had been burned and emptied of anything that had value. The only people left behind were the poorest of the poor who could offer nothing to Babylon.

In the meantime, the Persian Empire had been on the rise. Under King Cyrus ll of Persia Babylon had met its match. The Lord God of Israel chose to use a non-Jewish unbelieving King, namely Cyrus to rout Babylon and destroy it. Listen to what the Prophet Isaiah had to say: “I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness. I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free but not for a price or reward, says the Lord Almighty.” —Isaiah 45:13

            Cyrus was the man used by God to release the exiles from captivity. He had compassion for not only his countrymen, but also his prisoners. He not only allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem but actively participated in the rebuilding of Judah and more specifically the Temple. “Moreover, King Cyrus brought out the articles belonging to the temple of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from Jerusalem and had placed in the temple of his god. Cyrus king of Persia had them brought by Mithredath the treasurer, who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah.”


This was the inventory:

gold dishes 30

silver dishes 1,000

silver pans 29

gold bowls 30

matching silver bowls 410

other articles 1,000” ... all things Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Solomon’s Temple.

            Cyrus reign as King of Persia lasted 30 years. During this time there was peace in the land. Because of his benevolent spirit Cyrus was looked upon favorably by God. God uses who he chooses to accomplish his purposes for good.

            Up next is the book of Zechariah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Saturday, September 16, 2023

HAGGAI: Mega-Themes

A) HAVING RIGHT PRIORITIES: God gave the Jews returning from their 70 year exile an assignment to finish the Temple in Jerusalem. While they were enthusiastic at the start, 15 years had passed, and the Lord had something to say thru his prophet Haggai in the form of a question: “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?” [Haggai 1:4] Once the high priest reacted positively to Haggai’s pronouncement the whole of the remnant of Jews obeyed the message and once that happened God told them “I am with you.” What the Lord made plain to the Jews was that by neglecting his house, all their hard work to better their circumstances amounted to nothing. It was only when they did as the Lord had directed them that they would become prosperous in all aspects of their lives. It appeared to be a vicious cycle though, for once they become prosperous they tended to become complacent. But this is what God had for them and they, who revered the Lord and wished to please him, completed the Temple. It was once they got their priorities straightened out that the Lord blessed them once again as a nation.

         For us today, it’s easy to make other seemingly more pleasurable endeavors more important then doing God’s work, but God wants us all to follow thru and build up his Kingdom. Stop making excuses ... set your heart on what is right and simply do it. God is with you if you do that which is required of you. Why go it alone ... follow where the Lord leads you and know that he will enable you to the glory of his name.


B) GOD’S ENCOURAGEMENT: During the rebuilding process Haggai encouraged the people as they worked. He let them know that the Spirit of God was with them, and that victory was assured. I’m quite certain that we, who serve the Lord today, seek victory in all we do. Rebuilding the Holy Temple of God was a victorious endeavor. While the project languished for quite some time, it ended with a flourish of excitement. It’s as if the Jews needed a jump start to continue it, but once Haggai came on to the scene, the people shifted their priority right where it needed to be. 

            When the Lord gives you a task, don’t be afraid to start it. He wouldn’t have asked you to do it if he didn’t know you could handle the responsibility. We’re never alone. Sometimes we feel the presence of the Lord and other times we do not, but he is always there as his spirit guides and directs us. It’s discernment we need so we don’t go off the beaten path. God’s resources are infinite so that we can be assured we will always have what we need to complete that which the Lord as asked us to do.


            Up next I will be doing a side bar on King Cyrus of Persia, who was instrumental in freeing the Jewish people from exile. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible

Thursday, September 14, 2023

HAGGAI at a glance

PURPOSE: The rebuilding of the Temple had stalled. This book was a call to the people of Jerusalem to complete the rebuilding of God’s Temple.

AUTHOR: The prophet Haggai, whose name essentially means “Let’s celebrate the Lord!” Haggai is the first of three prophets to exhort, encourage, and inspire God’s people after the Babylonian captivity. The other two were Zechariah and Malachi.


THE BOOKS SETTING: 66 years prior to the writing of this book the Temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed. King Cyrus of Persia had allowed the exiled Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild their temple in 538 BC. They’d begun the rebuild but had been unable to complete it. Thru the ministries of Zechariah and Haggai the Temple was completed between the years of 520-516 BC.

A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE BOOK: “Haggai was the first of the postexilic prophets along with Zechariah & Malachi. The literary style of this book is simple and direct.” [TLASB - p. 1940]








            The Temple rebuild began when the exiled Jews first came home from Babylon. They started right away doing God’s work with the correct attitude, but their enthusiasm waned as time went on. As a result, the rebuild came to a sudden halt and sat unfinished. 

            This is a message for any believer on the earth today. The Lord wants us to continue on and follow thru with his call to build up the Kingdom. Stopping while making excuses is totally unacceptable. We must get our kingdom priorities straight. God’s call to us all is to set our hearts on that which is right and just do it.


            Up next are the Mega-Themes of the book of Haggai. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

ZEPHANIAH: Mega-Themes

A) THE DAY OF JUDGMENT God’s punishment was coming to Judah due to their having forsaken the Lord. Though they should have known better, they preceded to worship idols instead of the one true God. For example, they worshipped Baal, Molech and the stars in the heavens. It had gotten so bad that even the priests were mixing pagan practices with their faith in God. No sin goes unpunished.

         The remedy is simple, listen to God with a discerning ear and accept any correction he may lay before you. You must trust him and seek his guidance regularly. Accepting him and doing his will enables you to avoid his judgment.


B) MAN’S INDIFFERENCE TOWARD GOD - There had been several attempts at reform before, but Judah showed no sorrow ... no remorse for their sin. They were prosperous, and no longer made God their focus. In fact they paid him no mind. God’s demand for holy, righteous living became totally irrelevant to the inhabitants of Judah. Their seeming security, combined with their opulence made them complacent.

            Material comfort can become an obstacle to our commitment to the Lord. Prosperity can lead to arrogant self-sufficiency. We need to come to the place where we can admit that money will never save us ... only God can.


C) DAY OF CHEER - In the end, after the punishment has been meted out, when their sin had been purged from them, they realized a great sense of relief and subsequent hope.  Their antagonists WILL absolutely be punished, however, God’s people will be purified and completely restored which will give them hope for the future.

            No matter how difficult a situation you may currently be in, we can always look forward to the day when God completely restores us in heaven.


            Up next is the book of Haggai. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

ZEPHANIAH at a glance

PURPOSE: To shake the people of Judah out of their complacency & urge them to return to the Lord.

THE AUTHOR: The prophet Zephaniah*

DATE WRITTEN: Probably near the end of Zephaniah’s ministry (640-621 BC), when King Josiah’s great reforms began.

SETTING: Spiritual reformation was beginning with King Josiah after the evil rule of both Manasseh and Amon. Since Assyria was declining in power and influence rapidly, it enabled Zephaniah to extend his own influence throughout the southern kingdom. It is very likely that His prophecies motivated Josiah, lighting a fire under his spiritual reforms and the peoples return to God. 


THE BLUEPRINT: If someone told you that if you didn’t turn from your sinful lifestyle and serve God you’d be destroyed, how would you react? Now put yourself in Judah in 640 BC and read that a prophet by the name of Zephaniah had been given Judah that very warning during his ministry years. How did they react to his warning? Not appropriately I’m afraid. 

            Zephaniah warned the people of the southern kingdom that if they refused to turn from their evil ways the entire nation would be brought down ... even their beloved city of Jerusalem. Knowing God would eventually bless them, they didn’t take the prophet’s message as seriously as they needed to even though Zephaniah made it clear that there would be judgment first, then blessing. The coming judgment would not be just punishment for sin, but it would also be a means of purifying the people. Though we live in a fallen world surrounded by evil our hope lies in the perfect Kingdom of God that is to come, and need to allow any punishment that touches us to purify us from sin.


Up next are the Mega-Themes that are found in this book. Until then, walk with the King today and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

“The name Zephaniah means ‘the Lord hides’ or ‘the Lord has hidden’. It was rather common for parents to give their child a name that somehow became a prophetic piece of their life. Bible scholars believe perhaps that God hid Zephaniah during the bloodthirsty reign of Manasseh.” []