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Friday, September 8, 2023

NAHUM: Mega-Themes

GOD’s JUDGMENT - Though Assyria was a seemingly invincible foe to Israel and Judah, God would completely destroy them. Their crime was the idolatry, arrogance, and oppression they displayed to those nations they saw as subservient. God has immense distain for such sins. The Lord allows no person or power to usurp or ridicule his power and authority over his entire creation.

            The great American revivalist preacher Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) once gave a sermon titled “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” (c.1741).  Anyone who remains arrogant and resists God’s authority will absolutely face his anger. No one will get away with rejecting him. No one will be able to hide from his judgment. However, those who never stop trusting the Lord will have his protection forever.


God’s Rule - It must be understood that God rules over all the earth, even over those who don’t acknowledge his existence. He is all-powerful, and ‘omnipotent’ (“having virtually unlimited authority or influence’) []. Human power is absolutely futile against Almighty God for he will overcome any attempt to defy him.

            We have no reason to fear any weapons, armies, or powerful people. God alone is the one who can rescue you from your fears. Confidence must be placed in God because he alone rules all of history, all the earth and our entire life. Although he rules over us, he’s not tyrannical in nature, but a benevolent God who has nothing by love, mercy, grace, and compassion for those who follow him.


Nahum served as a prophet to Judah from 663 - 612 BC. 

“Manasseh, one of Judah’s most wicked kings, ruled the land. He openly defied God and persecuted God’s people. Assyria, the world power at the time, made Judah one of its vassal states*. The people of Judah wanted to be like the Assyrians, who seemed to have all the power and possessions they wanted. It was obvious from Nahum’s warning that the mighty empire of Assyria would be crushed. Anyone who does evil and oppresses others will one day meet a bitter end.” (TLASB - p. 1915)


            Up next is the book of Habakkuk. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible (TLASB)

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