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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

ZECHARIAH: Mega-Themes

1) GOD’S JEALOUSY: The Jews of Israel ignored the prophets God sent to them, which made him very anger. Disobedience was the root cause of all their problems. They carelessly followed false leaders who lied and took advantage of them. God seeks complete devotion to him and no one or nothing else.

         To avoid the issues Israel faced we must keep from following their example. No matter what you may encounter, never reject God. Be very careful which Bible teacher you follow, for when you fail to use discernment regarding where you feed on spiritual food, you can receive false teaching that will lead you astray. You must always turn to God and obey his commands.


2) REBUILD THE TEMPLE: The Jews were discouraged, which manifest itself in a stall in the rebuild of the Temple. This ended up being a 10 year stretch where the people rebuilt their own homes ... everything but what God told them to do, which was to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. If you add the 10 year lag to the equation, it took 20 years to complete the rebuild (536 BC - 516 BC). Zechariah encouraged those Jews who returned from exile to continue the rebuilding, telling the workmen that God would both protect and empower them by his Holy Spirit to carry out his work.

            When God commands that something be done in his name, he never expects you to go it alone. It is the Holy Spirit of God, the 3rd person of the Trinity, who helps us if we solicit his help. There is nothing we cannot accomplish in the name of Christ that God doesn’t enable us to do.


3) THE KING IS COMING: The prophet Zechariah spoke of the coming Messiah, who would rescue the Jewish people from their sin and reign as their King. Once he returns he will establish his Kingdom, conquer all his enemies, and rule over all the earth. One day everything in all of creation will once again be under his loving and powerful control.

            Though the Jewish people were anticipating a warrior king, like David, the Messiah was just the opposite. He came as a servant to us ... the plan was for him to die in our place. He will return as a victorious King when the pre-ordained time is right. When he takes the throne, he will usher in peace throughout the world. Submit to his leadership so that you’ll be ready for the Messiah’s triumphant return. The only one who knows when Christ will return a second time is God the father, so it behooves us to be ready. Be like Jesus in all your thoughts, words, and actions. Stay focused on him at all times. Why? Because he died in your place to eradicate all your sin and has prepared a place in heaven where you can live with him for all eternity. I’d say that’s a pretty good reason, wouldn’t you?


4) GOD’S PROTECTION: God never forgets the covenants he has made with his people. Though troubles existed, just as they do today, God’s Word endures forever. The Lord loves his people and will deliver them from all the world powers that have oppressed them thru the ages. His love and personal care has been demonstrated throughout time for God keeps his promises. Remember this ... though our bodies may be destroyed, we will never need to fear where our final destination shall be if we love and obey our Lord.


Up next is the book of Malachi. This is the last book of the Old Testament. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His name & for His glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible 

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