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Monday, September 4, 2023

JONAH: Mega-Themes

A) GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY - Running away from God was a fruitless endeavor for Jonah. This is simply because the Lord controls all aspects of his creation. So he caused the storms to arise and controlled the movements of the great fish as a means of lovingly guiding Jonah to where God wanted him to go in the 1st place. You cannot outrun God. 

         Rather than running from God, we should trust him that he knows what he’s doing. Saying ‘NO’ to God either verbally or with our actions will lead to your own personal disaster. If you say ‘yes’ you will bless others and yourself in the process, not to mention cultivate a new understanding of God. 


B) GOD’S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD - God had given Jonah a mission and purpose as his servant/prophet ... go warn Nineveh of God’s pending judgment upon them. Because Assyria was Israel’s most dreaded enemy, Jonah, who hated everything about that nation, including the capital city of Nineveh, was very angry. His anger caused him to turn and run in the opposite direction. Jonah needed to learn that God loves “ALL PEOPLES”. Thru Jonah, God reminded Israel of its missionary purpose.


C) NIVIVEH’S REPENTENCE - Jonah reluctantly did as he had been told and much to his dismay, the people of Nineveh repented! Israel should have been ashamed, because it was their responsibility to witness to all nations about their God, but they were too busy believing they were superior to those nations in every way. The thing they hadn’t considered was that God will never honor a sham religion or the pretense thereof. When Israel refused to repent of their own sin that showed they still loved their sin more than obeying the Lord. We must remember that God will always forgive all those who seek forgiveness and turn from their sin.


D) GOD’S COMPASSION - God’s love and forgiveness wasn’t and isn’t only for the Jews, but to anyone in the whole of creation that turns from their sinful lifestyle and vows to love and serve God forever. The Assyrians didn’t deserve forgiveness ... neither do we, but God has on display for all to see his deep love, patience, and forgiveness throughout scripture. He is no different today. 

            The Lord loves us even when we fail. He also loves other people who are not from our group. This would include those with a different background, different race, or different denomination. When we truly love God we will find it easier to love others.


            Up next is the book of Micah. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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