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Thursday, September 21, 2023

MALACHI: The Mega-Themes

A) GOD’S LOVE - The amazing thing about God is that even when we ignore or disobey him he STILL loves us. And while he may be disappointed in our choices at times, loves us with a special type of unconditional love.  Luke illustrates God great love with the story of the prodigal son, spoken of in Luke 15:11-32. This son’s poor choice to take his inheritance and leave home eventually left him penniless, yet his father welcomed him back with open arms and even had a celebratory banquet in his honor. THAT is the kind of love God has for us. 

         What the Lord hates is hypocrisy & careless living. This was what the people of Judah had done. Sin is sin and all sin shall be punished. You can call the punishment consequences, or whatever you want, but sin is disobedience to God and his statutes and there is a price to pay for your sin. And you know what? You aren’t able to pay the price it cost for your sin.  Thru the generations Israel never quite got that message. Their history resembles a roller coaster as one generation serves God and then the next 3 or 4 turn away from God, and so on. We’ll never live a sinless life this side of heaven, but that should always be our goal, for if you do that you will please the Lord and end up spending eternity with him. So the lesson to be learned is that we all NEED Jesus, because he paid a debt that he didn’t owe, in the place of all those who couldn’t afford to pay.


B) THE SIN OF THE PRIESTS - The prophet Malachi singled out the Priests of his day. You see, they KNEW what God required, yet their sacrifices were deemed unworthy and their service insincere. Why? Because they were shown to be lazy, arrogant, & insensitive. Their attitude toward worship was very casual toward the worship of God and the following of his standards.

            If the leaders lead falsely, the congregation shall suffer, being misled regarding the seriousness of serving God according to his word. Neglect and insensitivity are acts of defiant disobedience. Just as God wished the Jews to be faithful and sincere leaders, so God wishes the same for us all. 


C) THE SIN OF THE PEOPLE - The Babylonian exile hadn’t taught the Jews anything, for many ignored the prophets that warned them and lived as they pleased. The Jewish men left their faithful wives to marry younger pagan women. This was against God’s law and a major strike against them. This sin negatively affected the wife that was left behind AND any children they might have had. Who would teach them God’s word? What manly example would be left to guide the children as they grew? 

            God deserves our very best honor, respect, and faithfulness; however, sin hardens a person’s heart and thus reveals their true spiritual condition. It behooves us NOT to allow pride to keep us from giving God our total devotion, a portion of our money (10% tithe), our marriage and our family. God is not a tyrant; he demands obedience because he only wants the absolute best for each and every one of his children ... that would include both you and me. Since God created each one of us, he knows us intimately, whether we know him or not.

He knows what is best for us all. That is why we should live according to his word as best we can with the guidance of his Holy Spirit.


D) THE LORD’S COMING - The real life example of God’s love for his creation is demonstrated by the Messiah’s coming. The blessings that come from following the Lord are immeasurable. The day of the Lord’s coming will be a day of comfort and healing for those who had been faithful. It will also serve as a day of judgment for all those who had and still do reject him. 

            At Christ’s first coming all who believed in him were refined and purified by Jesus. When he comes a second time he will expose and condemn those who are proud, insensitive, and unprepared. In spite of peoples sin(s) God is able to heal and forgive and it is what he wants to do. But man must seek it. Forgiveness is available to all who come to him.


Up next is a side bar on “giving a tenth” to the Lord, which Malachi addresses, along with other OT writers and one NT writer. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In his name & for his glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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