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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

GALATIANS at a glance

PURPOSE: To refute the Judaizers& to call Christians to faith & freedom in Christ.

AUTHOR: The Apostle Paul

ORIGINAL AUDIENCE: The churches in southern Galatia. **

DATE WRITTEN: Approximately AD 49, from Antioch, prior to the Jerusalem council in AD 50.

THE SETTING: The most pressing controversy in the early church was the relationship of new believers, particularly Gentiles, to the Jewish laws. This was especially a problem for the converts and the young churches that Paul had founded on his 1st missionary journey. Paul wrote to correct this problem. Later, at the council in Jerusalem, the conflict was officially resolved by the church leaders.


                  The book of Galatians is the charter of Christian freedom. This letter proclaims that Jesus is the Messiah. Jewish Christians, who today are often referred to as ‘Messianic Jews’, struggled with dual identity. Their Jewishness limited them, demanding that they be strict followers of the law; however, their newfound faith in Christ invited them to celebrate holy liberty. 

                  This became a controversy that nearly tore the early church in half. The Judaizers, who were an extreme Jewish faction within the church, taught that Gentile Christians had to submit to Jewish law and traditions IN ADDITION to believing in Christ. Galatians, therefore, was written to refute the Judaizers and call believers back to a pure, unadulterated gospel. The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for ALL people ... Jews & Gentiles alike. Salvation is by God’s grace thru faith in Christ Jesus and nothing else. Faith in Christ means true freedom.




1. Authenticity of the Gospel (Ch. 1:1 thru 2:21)

2. Superiority of the Gospel (Ch. 3:1 thru 4:31)

3. Freedom of the Gospel (Ch. 5:1 thru 6:18)


                  In response to attacks from the false teachers, the apostle Paul wrote this letter defining his apostleship and the authority of the gospel. The Galatians were starting to turn from faith to legalism. Many today still struggle with this, for it is a common and relevant issue. Many today would like to see us all return to trying to earn God’s favor thru following rituals and obeying a set of rules. This is not what the bible teaches. As Christians we have not been boxed in but rather set free. To preserve our Christ bought, God given freedom we need to stay close to Christ and resist any who would promote subtle ways for us to earn our salvation. It cannot be bought, nor can it be earned ... salvation is given to us as a gift due to God’s undeserved favor. 

                  Up next are the Mega Themes found in Paul’s letter. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

* Judaizers taught that Gentile believers must obey Jewish law in order to be saved.

** These churches were founded on Paul’s 1st missionary journey (including Iconium, Lystra & Derbe)

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