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Friday, February 2, 2024

ROMANS: The Mega-Themes

1. SIN


The Explanation ... Since Adam’s rebellion in the Garden man’s nature has been to disobey God. While we don’t realize it, our sins cut us off from God. It’s like we have either intentionally or unintentionally destroyed the only bridge that takes us to our Creator. Only the blood of Christ can repair that bridge. 

            Sin causes us to have ungodly desires; desires that want us to live our own way instead of God’s way. Since God is morally perfect, just, and fair, He is right in condemning sin. He and He alone knows what the absolute best path for us to take in this life is because He knows us better than we know ourselves.


The Importance ... Each solitary person has sinned against God, either by rebelling against Him or by ignoring His will for us. It doesn’t matter how hard we try to live good, moral lives, none of us can for we cannot earn our own salvation or remove our own sin. ONLY Christ can save us.




The Explanation ... The sins we commit accentuates our need to be forgiven and cleansed. There is no doubt that because of our behavior we do not deserve forgiveness, but God, in all His mercy and love, reaches out and forgives our sins. Every last one of them. Our sin debt is SO GREAT that it took the Son of the Creator of the Universe to lay his own life down for each one of us. He did it willingly and never regretted his decision. It was the only way to wipe the slate clean. It was the only way to receive a do-over. It was the only way. So Christ took on all the beatings and piercings and the humiliation of being nailed to a wooden cross for all to see ... to set you and I free from OUR SIN. It was not for his own, but for OUR SIN that Christ died. 


The Importance ... It is wonderful news that Christ paid our sin debt with his own blood; however, to begin our new personal, intimate relationship with Almighty God we must BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died FOR US and that he has FORGIVEN all our sins. That belief ignites the seed of faith given to us by God.




The Explanation ... Thru the power of God we, as believers, are made holy or sanctified. This means we have been set apart from sin, enabling us to obey God’s standard and become more like Christ. The Holy Spirit frees us from the laws demands and any fear of judgment, allowing our spiritual growth in Christ to take place.


The Importance ... Being freed from sin’s control over us and the law’s demands we can grow in the strength and knowledge of Christ. The relationship we begin needs to be cultivated like a garden. It’s not all the work of God, for we must surrender our own will in favor of His. There’s no doubt God does the work IN US, but he doesn’t bust thru the door of our heart and forcibly change us. We must WANT to change. Once saved, we should have that desire. We must trust that the Holy Spirit will bring about that change in us. With his help we can overcome temptation and the resulting sin.


            Up next we continue our look at the Mega-Themes found in Paul’s masterful letter to the Christian congregation in Rome. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: The Life Application Study Bible.

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