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Monday, April 1, 2024

2nd TIMOTHY: The Mega Themes



            Paul encouraged Timothy, in the face of enemy opposition and continuous persecution, to minister without fear or shame. The Apostle urged Timothy to preach and teach with the boldness the Holy Spirit had given him. 

            If we allow him to, the Holy Spirit can and will endow us with wisdom and strength, but we must seek it from him. God will honor our confident testimony even when we suffer in his name. There is one way to overcome our fear of what folks might say or do to us; we must readjust our focus, taking it off our surroundings and placing it entirely and solely on Almighty God. That doesn’t mean we walk around in a fog, but rather, that in whatever we think, say, and do our intention is solely fixed on that which is pleasing to God. We incorporate him into all our decisions and actions.




            Christ showed faithfulness by doing what he had been called to do from the foundation of the world; die for our sins. The Apostle Paul was faithful even though he spent much time behind bars for preaching the gospel to the people. In spite of what he had gone thru, Paul never even thought of turning his back on God. Therefore, Paul urged Timothy to preach sound doctrine, and with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, he must remain loyal and diligent in his quest to expand the kingdom of God. He must also exhibit endurance, for the race is long, causing physical or mental fatigue. Whatever we need to succeed is available thru the Lord, by way of the Spirit who lives within you.

            Today, just like back then, you can count on opposition, suffering, and hardship as we serve Christ. The way we deal with it will show others our faithfulness. Christ gives us the spiritual strength to be steadfast in our beliefs. We’ve been told in scripture that we would face persecution ... we have, and we will, but nothing can defeat us because of who and what we stand for.




         Paul and Timothy were active in preaching and teaching the Good News about Jesus Christ. Paul encouraged Timothy not only to carry the torch of truth but also to train others, passing on to them sound doctrine and enthusiasm for Christ’s mission. We must prepare people to transmit God’s Word to others so that they in turn might pass it on. Does your church carefully train others to teach?




                  In the final days before Christ returns, there will be false teachers, spiritual dropouts, and heretics. The remedy for error is to have a solid program for teaching Christians.  Because of deception and false teaching we must be disciplined and ready to reject error. Knowing the Word of God is your sure defense against error and confusion.


                  Next we will take our first look at Paul’s letter to Titus. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.


In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

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