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Monday, April 8, 2024

HEBREWS at a glance

PURPOSE: The author aims to present the all-sufficiency & superiority of Christ.

AUTHOR: There are many possibilities as to who wrote this letter. Folks like Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Apollos, Silas, Philip, Priscilla, and others could potentially be the author mainly because the name of the writer is not given in the text. Whoever it happens to be is someone who spoke of Timothy as a “brother”. (Hebrews 13:23)

THE ORIGINAL AUDIENCE: Hebrew Christians (perhaps 2nd generation Christians ... see Hebrews 2:3) who may have been considering a return to Judaism, perhaps because of immaturity which came from a lack of understanding regarding biblical truths.

THE DATE WRITTEN:  It was probably prior to the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70 because religious sacrifices and ceremonies are still referred to, but no mention of the Temple’s destruction which surely would have been brought up if it had already taken place.

THE SETTING: These Jewish Christians were probably undergoing fierce persecution both socially and physically from Jews and Romans. Christ had not returned to establish his Kingdom and the people needed to be reassured that Christianity was true and that Jesus truly was the Messiah.

            The superiority of Christ over everyone and everything is clearly demonstrated by the author of this letter. Christianity cannot be replaced by any other religions and can never be outdone. Where can we find anything better than Christ? It’s why Peter said to Jesus the following: “At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, ‘Are you also going to leave?’ Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.’” (John 6:66-68 NLT) There is no one else who always tells the truth and always has our best interests at heart. Living in Christ is having the best there is in life. All competing religions are merely deceptions or cheap imitations.

            Jews who had become Christians in the first century were tempted to fall back into Judaism because of uncertainty, the security of custom, and persecution. Today believers are tempted to fall back into legalism, fulfilling minimum religious requirements rather than pressing on in genuine faith. We must strive to live by faith and trust in God each and every day.

            Hebrews begins by emphasizing that the old (Judaism) and the new (Christianity) are both religions revealed by God. In the doctrinal section that follows, the writer shows how Jesus is superior to angels, superior to their leaders, and superior to their priests. Christianity surpasses Judaism because it has a better covenant, a better sanctuary, and a more sufficient sacrifice for sin.

            Having established the superiority of Christianity, the writer moves on to the practical implications of following Christ. The readers are encouraged to hold on to their new faith, exhorting and edifying each other and look forward to Christ’s return. They are warned about the consequences of rejecting Christ’s sacrifice and reminded of the rewards that shall come to the faithful. The author then explains how to live by faith, giving illustrations regarding the faithful men and women in Israel’s history and giving encouragement and exhortation for daily living. This section ends by comparing the old covenant with the new. The writer concludes his letter with a moral pep talk, a request for prayer and good wishes. 

            Christ is better than the best laid plans of man. That’s because he is the perfect reflection and revelation of God, the final and complete sacrifice for sin, our compassionate and understanding mediator, and THE ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. Christians have been called to be unreservedly and totally devoted to the Lord.

            Next we’ll take a look at Hebrews Mega Themes. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible.

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