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Thursday, April 11, 2024

JAMES: The Mega Themes

LIVING FAITH - James shares the thought that hearing the truth isn’t enough, they need to put that truth into action. He compares actionless, empty faith to faith that moves and thus, works. A commitment to loving service is evidence of true faith. Living faith makes a big difference for it can be seen by others and so will make a positive impact. Seeing someone’s faith in action says much more than endless chatter that isn’t backed up by action. Make sure your faith is more than just a statement with no resulting action. We need to find ways to put our faith to work.


TRIALS - Throughout our lives Christians experience both trials and temptations. Overcoming them successfully produces spiritual maturity and a strong character. We aren’t to resent problems when they come. We must pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord, and he will provide everything we need to face persecution or adversity. The Lord will keep you spiritually strong and provide patience while going thru any adverse situation.


LAW OF LOVE - It should be plain to see that our salvation comes from God’s incredible mercy and absolutely NOT from keeping the law. Christ gave us a command, not just an optional statement, when he said to “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Now it stands to reason that the vast majority of folks love themselves. While there are always exceptions, loving yourself can more easily catapult us to loving and serving those we encounter each day. When we keep the law of love espoused by our Lord it will show that our faith in God is vital and real. When we exhibit love toward others we are overcoming our own selfishness.


WISE SPEECH - Wisdom shows in the way we speak. The Lord holds us responsible for the results that come from any destructive words that come out of our mouths. The same discipline we need to guard our tongue is used to put in check our actions. To accept God’s wisdom, as dispersed thru his word and by the Holy Spirit, will affect our speech. We need to tune in to the spirit so that we pick up on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction. As a result we invite many teaching moments that help in the spiritual maturation process. The way we speak can either convey true humility and thus promote peace or the opposite. We must THINK before we speak and ALLOW God to give us self-control. It can be like gaining control of a ship in a raging sea. Without that control we can crash against unseen rocks; with it we can have a peaceful journey in spite of the storm.


WEALTH - James taught Christians to not compromise when it comes to our attitude about wealth. This is because the glory of money can fade rather rapidly. If you disagree, talk to some of the lottery winners who found that sudden massive wealth can be our undoing. It is far better for believers to store up heavenly treasures thru sincere service toward others. We should show neither partiality, nor disfavor toward the wealthy among us or be prejudice against those who are without. We shall all be held accountable for how we use that which we have. We should never hoard that which we’ve been blessed with, but rather, be generous to all. Being impressed with great sums of wealth in others is foolhardy, for all the money in the world could never purchase forgiveness and provide for us eternal life. Striving to achieve wealth as our sole goal in life causes money to usurp God’s rightful place in our hearts. Serve God not money.


            Next we will take our first look at Peter’s 1st letter to Jewish believers scattered throughout Asia Minor. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

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