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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

TITUS: The Mega Themes


            Paul wrote to Titus about the importance of living a good, Godly life. No one can be saved by living just a good life; we’re only saved by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. It’s the Gospel that can transform a person’s life if we’ll invest the time and effort to read it. Absorbing the scriptures will eventually cause us to live a life that will begin to resemble the life of Christ. No, we’ll never be perfect like Jesus, nor will be live a flawless, problem free life. But if we invest the time and effort it will take to truly KNOW Christ, then when people see you and spend time with you, they’ll sense something different about you. So it is not even living a good, GODLY life that saves us; that is the result of receiving Christ into our heart and allowing the Holy Spirit to mold you into what God knows you can be. Our service will never save us, but when saved we will learn to serve others effectively. Because of the impact that Titus had on the churches he oversaw, it is fairly obvious that he learned how to live a good, Godly life. 


            Knowing that Titus was a responsible and Godly man, Paul sent him to Crete to teach and mold others to do the same. Appointing those among his congregation who were disciplined and organized would end up being elders based on the qualifications Paul laid out for leadership in the church. How they acted while at home revealed to Titus their true nature away from church and helped him see it they were ready to serve in a leadership capacity. 

            You can be the brightest bulb in the pack and have a great following of people hanging on your every word, but that doesn’t make you Christ’s type of leader. You have to have self-control, spiritual and moral standards that you live out, topped off by a Godly character. Who you are is just as important as what you can do.


            The teaching that takes place in ANY church, whether in Crete 2000 years ago or your own home church where you live, must be relatable. Those who have known the Lord the longest are the likely candidates to teach those young men and women in their congregation. Everyone has something to learn each day of their lives. We should never stop learning until the day we leave this earth. 

            Right living and right relationships go hand in hand with sound doctrine. Our relationships with other believers should end up being an outgrowth of our faith.


            A Christian must be a good citizen in their community. This is not a “live for Jesus on Sundays, then live like God doesn’t exist during the week” type of lifestyle both Paul and Titus are preaching about. We must be honest and forthright in all our dealings, whether at church or in our communities. We need to be completely above reproach at all times. That means you need to be a believer with unshakable and unwavering integrity. As I often say, “It is never wrong to do right, and it is never right to do wrong”. We must never forget that we are ambassadors for Christ. We represent him with every thought we have, every word we say and everything we do. One of my goals is to hear from the Lord when I arrive in heaven the words: “Welcome good and faithful servant into your eternal reward.” What a blessed day that will be.

Just after Paul’s final greetings in his letter to Titus, he says, “Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.” (Titus 3:14) That statement can be simplified to read: If you spend your time productively you will have no time to be unproductive. 

Next we will take our first look at Paul’s letter to Philemon. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible

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