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Thursday, April 25, 2024

3rd JOHN - The Mega Themes

HOSPITALITY - John took the time to thank his friend Gaius for his kindness. I fear sending thank you cards, or letters is a lost art. It was something my mom always did and encouraged me to do the same. In the time period we are studying common courtesy was still alive and well. 

            As I’ve already said in another post, supporting traveling ministers today is as important as it was back in John’s day. They travel light and need a place to spend the night and have meals provided. When you help these brothers you become a part of their ministry in a participatory way. It is God’s way of providing for them; however, what if no one in the local brethren felt so inclined to support the teachers in that way? Well it would seem that finding someone inclined to open their home to such traveling ministers was not an issue back in the day, because it seemed to be engrained in their culture. This is no doubt why John had to caution the people about who they invited into their homes. False teachers were prevalent at the time and being careful was important. 


PRIDE - As Diotrephes exhibited, pride, coupled with arrogance disqualifies a person from being a true leader. Those who would become a good and fair leader MUST shun prideful, arrogant behavior. Believers need to see humility and selflessness to assure them that the leader is true to the Word of God. 

If you have a desire to become a church leader you mustn’t misuse or abuse that position of leadership. If you do you’ll have a hard time getting the congregation to listen to you.  A prideful, arrogant individual shoots himself in the foot by not exhibiting Christ’s truth in his actions. That individual CAN have an epiphany and allow the Spirit to change his demeanor and behavior, but it cannot be done on his own.  Without the Lord in the middle of it, any change probably wouldn’t be lasting. It is God we serve, for he alone has our best interests at heart.


FAITHFULNESS - I found out many years ago that pastors rarely get an “attaboy” for the work they do with their church. I suppose it could have something to do with the fact that they are called by God to minister to a congregation, so that calling should be enough to keep them going, right? Not so. 

No matter what you do for a living, there are times when it can be a grind. Picture an old fashioned meat grinder. My German grandmother had one. It clamped to the kitchen table, and you fed raw meat into the flared opening on the top. She would then crank the rotating handle and watch the meat get drawn into the grinder. Maybe that’s how some of those in ministry feel like when things get tough and unduly stressful. 

Those in ministry need to be appreciated and loved for their tireless endeavors for the church and it’s parishioners. I try to make it a habit to thank law enforcement and military personnel for their service. I also share my appreciation for our pastor with him every Sunday morning. I happen to think it’s the right thing to do. We need to verbally and at times, physically support our ministerial leaders.

Next we’ll be checking out Jude’s letter to Jewish Christians. Until then, walk with the King and be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

Richard Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Source: The Life Application Study Bible.

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