Reason 14 - Disillusionment with Prayer
“For many atheists, the perceived ineffectiveness of prayer plays a pivotal role in their rejection of religion. They notice that prayers often go unanswered or produce outcomes indistinguishable from chance. This leads to skepticism about the existence of a divine being who listens and responds.”
“ don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.” – James 4:2c-3 NLT
Interesting that Atheists choose NOT to believe in God because they don’t get answers to their prayers. Have you ever considered that He may have either answered their prayer, but they didn’t recognize the answer because it’s not the answer they were looking for, or He didn’t answer it because He was trying to spare them from the consequences that He knows wouldn’t be pleasant. I guess that would only apply to those in His family. Everything hinges on the motivation of your heart. You must accept the fact that God is NOT akin to a genie in a bottle with unlimited wishes.
We think we KNOW what is best for us, but we really have no idea. What guidelines should we follow when we pray. A non-Christian asking God for something is like a person not related to you asking for something from you expecting to get it. That person has NO TIES to you whatsoever, so why should he or she expect to get ANYTHING from you? While God knows the non-believer, because He created them, they are not His child. They ask with the wrong motives. They are asking someone they either do not know or don’t believe it. Those asking with that thought process seem to be floating a test prayer to see if it gets answered.
The entire system of prayer is NOT based on your WANTS, but what you NEED. Yes, Psalm 37:4 DOES SAY: “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Is an atheist delighting themselves in the Lord? Since they don’t believe in His existence, I would have to say NO. You would be misinterpreting scripture if you focus on the latter part of the verse. Once individuals become truly born-again the DESIRES of their heart begin to come into line with God’s. THOSE desires are the ones the verse is speaking of.
I’m quite certain that there’s been an atheist or agnostic in the world today that has prayed for their spouse or child to be healed from a terminal disease out of desperation. They do not understand the way prayer works. If you pray for healing and they die then your prayer has been answered. “WHAT?! How can you say that!!” Easy. Just because a prayer doesn’t turn out the way you wanted doesn’t mean God failed to answer your prayer. Death is the ultimate healing. Sounds weird, I know, but think of it this way. Your loved one will NEVER be sick again. They will never feel pain again. They have effectively been HEALED, just not the way you wanted. Don’t be mad at God. He does that which He knows is best for the party being prayed for, not the one praying. After that harsh reality, God proceeds to administer comfort and peace to those left behind. It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but it is NOT all about you. God knows what He’s doing. It’s your choice not to believe ANY of this, but please don’t insult God by blaming He who has no faults or flaws. If you think He is an evil tyrant who doesn’t care because of things that you possibly brought on yourself in your disbelief, then so be it. No one can CONVINCE you to believe anything you don’t want to believe. Just remember, you don’t have to believe in God, but you can. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;