Reason 12 - Equality and Inclusion
“Many atheists are troubled by the discriminatory practices and teachings found in some religions, particularly against women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized groups. They reject faiths that perpetuate inequality, finding atheism to be a more inclusive worldview that values human dignity over divine authority.”
While women are to be highly revered and cherished, I am well aware of the fact that women are NOT treated that way in many cultures. This is not God’s doing, but rather misguided men who either follow strict, ungodly teachings or do not respect themselves and project that disrespect onto their women.
At times it isn’t possible be all inclusive, especially when you have beliefs that are diametrically the opposite of one another. I should make it very clear that God doesn’t hate gays. He hates no one. He loves us all in spite of ourselves. Many say God made them that way; however, since it is clearly stated in both the Old Testament & the New Testament that it is unacceptable behavior in the sight of God, it is highly unlikely that God would create someone who is the living embodiment of sin. That makes no sense.
Romans 1:24-28 speaks to the “inevitable downward spiral of sin”. Those who believe they are safe from damnation because they believe God made them gay, they are making a tragic mistake. “First, people reject or turn away from God. Next they make up their own ideas of what a god should be like and what He should do.” They then begin to turn, perhaps unknowingly, toward ungodly practices. God doesn’t cause this steady progression toward sin. Rather, He allows them to live as they choose. The Lord gives them over to their own sinful desires.
As I said earlier, God doesn’t hate anyone. He just offers a better way of living. You can disagree with that, and that’s fine. I just implore folks to look into what I’m saying with an open mind. Whether you accept or reject the existence of God is completely up to you and I am certainly not the one who is the judge. God is. My advice is for you to say to God, “If you exist, reveal Yourself to me in some way”, then pay attention. He may reveal Himself in any number of ways at any time. Possibly not instantly but be open minded and aware of your surroundings. If you think what I’m saying is a load of crap, then dismiss it and go on. You won’t be hurting my feelings. You will be rejecting God, but since you don’t believe He exists why would that matter to you. However, there’s still that nasty sin question that atheists don’t have an answer for. Unless they simply say, “I don’t believe in sin”. That doesn’t make it untrue, just what you’ve chosen to believe.
If you’re right and there is no God, then none of us will ever know. We will die and never have another conscious thought. Conversely, if there IS a God, when we die we’ll meet Him and all the questions regarding His existence will be answered. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;
* Romans text & subsequent quoted text are from the scripture notes (p. 2474) from The Life Application Study Bible, Tyndale Publishing.
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