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Monday, February 24, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 10

Reason 10 - Occam’s Razor


“Occam’s Razor* suggests that the simplest explanation is often the best. For atheists, natural explanations for the universe and life are simpler and more plausible than invoking a supernatural being. They argue that adding the concept of a god complicates the equation without adding explanatory value.”

            Atheists seek to explain the “universe and life” based on what? So called experts on the topic who believe they have all the answers to life’s existence. Is this not based on theories, which are NOT facts. What seems logical to man isn’t necessarily logical. It is logical to scientists; however, chances are normal man without scientific knowledge may not understand such theories. Again, it would seem as though they are putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. As if they are saying, “We don’t believe a God exists and with that premise we give you these thoughts on why.” 

            While it is true that Christians cannot unequivocally prove the existence of God, atheists or scientists cannot prove without a shadow of a doubt that He DOES NOT exist. It is a free will choice we have to believe or disbelieve. But who gave us the right to a free will? You would think admitting to a free will choice would satisfy the atheist. All they would need to do is say, “Okay, I choose to believe there is no God.” Fine. So why are they hell-bent on disproving God. Why should they care? You believe, I do not. Enjoy your life. 

The only reason Christians seek to spread the gospel is because we’ve been commissioned by God to do so. So, why is Christianity such a threat to certain factions in this world? Because sin is revealed. Most other religions don’t mention sin. They don’t even imply or hint at it. 

It is curious to me that Occam’s Razor is a reason atheists use to dispel belief in God. What could be simpler than stating the belief that there is an all-powerful spirit deity who created all things and loves His creation unconditionally? Why does that sound simple to me? It seems much more complicated to do research, come up with equations, and invent theories based on human intelligence. That would imply that the creature is wiser than the One who created it. Oh, wait, atheists don’t believe in God. 

All individuals deal with preconceived ideas planted in your mind thru the years by parents, teachers, friends, and life itself. We must try our best to put them aside as we seek to find out what we would believe to be the truth. Whether one believes in God or not, they will have to accept whatever consequences take place as a result of their decision. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

Occam’s razor is credited to William of Ockham, a Franciscan theologian and philosopher who lived during the late 13th to mid-14th century, though he was not the first to propose it. (Durandus of Saint-Pourçain and John Duns Scotus were among those who articulated the idea earlier.) 

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