Reason 7 - Moral Independence
“Many atheists reject the notion that morality requires religion. They argue that ethical behavior is rooted in empathy, social contracts, and evolutionary biology, not divine commandments. By rejecting religion, they embrace the freedom to create their own moral code, which they see as more adaptable and relevant to modern society.”
That’s interesting. Atheists believe they can “create their own moral code”. What would they base that code on? So in other words every person in existence should be able to create their own moral code. What if someone believes it is morally right to kill someone who they have determined is a really bad person? Would that be okay? Or it is okay because it doesn’t affect you personally. Who says what is good and what is bad? Who determines what is moral and what is immoral? An atheist would have to put together a moral code that worked for everyone in existence, wouldn’t they? Or is it that you establish your own moral code and whatever anyone else does is their own business? Hmmm. I don’t think that really works. What you think is moral may not garner any support from those in your sphere of influence. What then?
In spite of what anyone may think, mankind if truly incapable of living a moral and/or ethically sound life independent of all others. Put a group of 20 people in a room together and see how many people will agree with one another regarding proper morals and ethics. I’ll bet not too many. So how is this supposed to work?
In Christianity, God has established a set of statutes for living that work for all who would care to live by them. They are based on loving God and each other. On treating others as better than yourself. On treating others the same way you’d like them to treat you. Life shouldn’t be ALL ABOUT YOU. Christianity seeks a selfless life that lives out those examples Jesus Himself lived while He was alive on earth. Allowing for differences in understanding and our ability to question things, Christianity is quite a nice belief system that highlights peace, hope and love as their main influencers. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.
In His Name & for His Glory,
RL Keller
Bread of Life Ministries
Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;
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