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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 6

Reason 6 - Indoctrination and Fear Tactics


“Religions often use indoctrination from a young age and fear-based tactics, such as the threat of eternal damnation, to enforce belief. Atheists reject this as psychological manipulation, arguing that a truly loving God would not rely on fear or coercion to gain followers, further supporting their disbelief.”

            The sad part about this is that atheists are not allowing for ignorant people, who call themselves religious and even go to church regularly, who may be a little unhinged regarding their beliefs. Their behavior is a stain on Christendom & any other religion that has such incidents, but it shouldn’t be a call out against God. Almighty God doesn’t literally control peoples thoughts, words, and/or actions. People worldwide improperly interpret their religions sacred text and act accordingly. That is a blight on them personally, not their entire belief system and/or God Himself.

            What it seems like to me is that those who do not wish to believe look for ANY reason to fortify their position. Indoctrination and fear sound like tactics used mainly by cults and not mainline religions. There are always exceptions to that in any group, but I would say that stating these things as sound reasoning for NOT believing in an unseen deity seems to me like a fishing expedition. 

            I whole heartedly agree with the atheists on this one. There is absolutely NO room for any manipulating maneuvers. A person does not go to hell because they don’t embrace all the doctrines of a religion. The leaders of that religion may think so, but they would be incorrect in their thinking. God IS a “truly loving God” who DOES NOT “rely on fear or coercion to gain followers”. Not at all. Never. Those who propagate that way of thinking are misguided and not at all pleasing to Almighty God or whoever they worship.

            This is why God views the heart of an individual while humans are unable to do that. Don’t believe in the existence of God if you like, but please don’t make the tragic mistake of lumping all believers from all religions together and judge them based on the actions of a scant few. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

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