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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

30 Reasons People Choose Atheism 11

Reason 11 - Religious Wars and Conflicts


“The long history of violence in the name of religion, such as the Crusades, witch hunts, and modern terrorism, leads many to reject faith. Atheists view religion as a divisive force that promotes intolerance and hostility, contradicting claims that it promotes peace and love.”

            If you took a serious look at Jesus; how He acted and what He said, you might realize that the religious zealots who went to war in the name of the Lord were NOT typifying common biblical doctrine. Yes, Israel went to war, but that was to defeat those countries who wished to eliminate them. It was their fight for survival as orchestrated by God Himself.  Aside from those righteous wars, many people down thru the ages were slaughtered due to those who wished to force their beliefs on their opposition.  There is a big difference between forcing your beliefs on others and defending yourself against those who wish to destroy you.

Men have always been corrupt. Since the beginning of time they have been seeking ways to dominate those they see as against them. Many innocent folks died needlessly. This was and is WRONG. It is UNGODLY behavior. God proclaims in scripture that He will avenge all wrongdoing against His children when the time comes. “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], ‘VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 Amplified Bible)

            Once again I must defer to the present and say that the past is filled with unseemly characters who acted in the name of the Lord but were far from Him. Their morals and ethics were radically skewed based on anger and revenge. They should be condemned for such actions. It’s not God’s fault that these events took place. To stop any of it would mean that God did NOT give His creation a free will to do as they pleased. Innocent people die all the time and those who do the killing have had their conscience seared over. People come to God of their own volition and follow His decrees of their own free will. Violence isn’t part of God’s 

plan for humanity. Especially in the age of grace that began when Jesus came into the world.

The violence that took place should be no reflection on God. For Him to eliminate all wars for all time would once again dictate each scenario man finds himself in. That would smack of tyranny to me. Satan is the ruler of this world and while God is greater than him in every way, He allows him to do as he wills up to a point. The Book of Job is a perfect illustration of that. Until next time, walk with the King & be a blessing.

In His Name & for His Glory,

RL Keller

Bread of Life Ministries

Resource: An article titled 30 Reasons People Choose Atheism on a blog called Housley - written by Lisa O.;

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