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Saturday, December 3, 2011


The Lord is so incredibly gracious to us. Why would we ever want to disappoint Him? Yet we are painfully human; when confronted with more than one choice, we are prone to making the WRONG choice more times than not. Some Christians would say that if you are having that much difficulty making RIGHT choices, maybe you truly aren’t saved. Rubbish! You think Peter never struggled making the right choice? Before you answer that, remember, he was the one who denied Christ 3X. 
God created us. He formed us from dust. He knows us. He knows every thought we’ve ever had or even thought of having. He knows everything we have ever done or even thought of doing. In spite of all this He still loves us. His patience is astounding; His mercy matchless. Why would we ever want to disappoint Him?

I don’t believe for one second that we set out to disappoint God or anyone else in our lives. I believe we as believers have the best of intentions, however, as the old saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

If we allow our minds to ponder it, we realize the enormity of God’s promise to us. His love for us in unconditional; it is without conditions. It is not, if you do this or do that I will love you. What it is is simply, you may think, say or do whatever you choose; you may even choose to reject me, however, my love for you is constant. It shall never wane. It shall never falter. I shall never fail.  I believe that 1 Corinthians 13, the “love chapter” as it is called, not only gives us the one true definition of what love truly is, but I also believe it represents the unconditional love God has for us all. It is the template by which we are to pattern our lives.

Soak in God’s goodness today. Don’t wait until Sunday service. God is in the here and now … He is in our midst, even IN us by His Holy Spirit. Embrace Him and tell Him audibly how much you appreciate His love for you. Tell Him audibly how much you love Him. He loved us before we ever knew Him. Who would do such a think? We love our babies before they are born. All while a mother is carrying her child she is developing an incredible, undeniable love; an unalterable bond with her unborn child. This is also how our Heavenly Father is with us. He loved us before we knew anything about Him. And He loves us still and shall for all time. Scripture tells us that God is faithful even when we are not, for He cannot deny Himself.  He is perhaps the one constant in our lives. He never, ever changes; NEVER! Scripture tells us there is no shadow of turning with Him. He never changes His mind. He has never regretted creating us in spite of all the calamity we have caused throughout history.  He is always prepared to forgive. We must DO something to receive this forgiveness, but it is free.  It costs nothing more than our surrender.  It is a bargain at any price. Christ paid for it with His blood. All you have to do is receive it in the form of surrender.  

It is a peculiar thing that while we can ask for so many things in our lives, we balk at receiving forgiveness. It means admitting we were wrong and some folks just cannot seem to bring themselves to that place.  I KNOW I have been wrong. I have been wrong far more than I wish to remember. You know the wonderful thing about it all? When I surrender it all over to God, He NEVER, EVER holds that mistake against me … not ever again. He remembers it against me no more. Who else is like this? Who? No one, that’s who. Nothing on this earth compares to the unconditional, endless love our Heavenly Father has for us all. Why would we ever want to disappoint Him?


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