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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Matthew 11:28 (TNIV) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

1. Physically or mentally fatigued.

a. Something that is emotionally difficult to bear.
b. A source of great worry or stress; weight:

1. To weigh down; oppress.
2. To load or overload.

1. Cessation of work, exertion, or activity.
2. Peace, ease, or refreshment resulting from sleep or the cessation of an activity.
3. Sleep or quiet relaxation.
4. Relief or freedom from disquiet or disturbance.
5. Mental or emotional tranquility.
6. Termination or absence of motion.

In all our running around, especially during the holidays, we need to hear a message like this. God wishes us to shed our burdens, those things which weigh us down, and find rest IN HIM. How is this done? It may sound easier than it actually is.

For some of us, it is nearly impossible to FIND rest. Our minds are whirling all the time. It gives us trouble sleeping at night. It causes us fatigue during the day; days that run into each other as we frantically race from one chore to the next. Slowing down doesn’t appear to be an option and stopping is out of the question. But is it really? Who says it is? Will the earth stop rotating on its’ axis if we stop our running? It may seem like it, but in actuality, it will not. There comes a time when we all need to just say a collective “no” to activity. We can’t be all things to all people and we are not omnipresent like God. We can only do so much.

The rest God offers from the wearying burdens of this life is transcendent thing … it “lies beyond the ordinary range of perception”.* It is something that is supplied by His Holy Spirit from within. It cannot be touched, yet can be felt. It cannot be tasted or smelled, yet it is very real. It is an ebbing away of tension. It is the essence of peace. Think of a placid lake … not a ripple in it. THAT is like the rest God offers. “Well, I could use THAT”, you say. “Where can I find that? I’d like to bottle it and sell it. I would make millions!” You can’t find it in any store. It isn’t for sale on QVC or at any Flea Markets. It is free for the taking. The only catch is you have to be willing to STOP. You have to physically stop. You have to stop thinking and stop running and stop supposing and stop fretting. It’s not easy, but it IS possible. You have to just ask God to help you quiet yourself down. Perhaps some quiet instrumental music will aid in the process. Let it all go. Trust me; it will still be there when you are through resting. Start small. 5-10 min. Shut out the world. If you have 6 screaming children running roughshod over your homestead, you will need to find a time when they themselves are resting. It may be a challenge, but it is quite necessary for your sanity and it can be accomplished if you seek it diligently and make the effort. God knows you need rest. He will provide a way for you to have it. Talk to God about it. Talk to Him the way you talk to anyone else. He is your Heavenly Father. You can level with Him. He knows it all already. Just tell Him your burdens and ask Him to give you rest. He promised He would. It’s in His Word. And He never goes back on His Word.


* definition courtesy of

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