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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


John 10:14-15 (New Life Version; NLV) I am the Good Shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. I know My Father as My Father knows Me. I give My life for the sheep.”

A shepherd is an individual who leads, directs, guards and protects with his own life the flock of animals he has been chosen to watch over. In our case, the animals happen to be sheep. It is interesting that God would use sheep to represent humans. What do we know about sheep? They are dumb as a post. They follow whoever leads them wherever they lead them. They wander off and get stuck in a thicket or a ravine or a ditch and the shepherd must come to its aid. Whether we would like to admit it or not, we are very much like sheep.

Sheep readily recognize the voice of their shepherd, however, are prone to let their curiosity get the better of them. When predators close in, the shepherd is there to fend them off. When a thicket or ditch becomes a sheep’s destination, the shepherd will literally leave the entire flock to go in search of that one that is missing.

I believe man’s first problem when it comes to God is their seeming inability to admit that they need help from ANYONE, let alone some unseen deity in the sky. They believe this to their own eventual peril, for it is this “unseen deity” and ONLY Him, who offers forgiveness and hope. There is nothing on this earth, no matter how grandiose, that can forgive sins or offer hope of a better tomorrow. God alone freely offers this in exchange for surrender.

Just as the shepherd would literally give his own life to protect his flock, so Christ would and DID give His own life for the salvation of mankind. For those who have embraced salvation, we know His voice. We KNOW Him. Out of this knowing emerges faith and trust, reliance and hope. We cling to promises, such as “I am the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8) and “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isa. 41:10).  As we familiarize ourselves with His nature and the multitude of promises He has laid out in scripture, we begin to see that complete reliance and trust IN Him is necessary to experience the full range of blessings He has prepared for His children.

I believe this scripture also reveals to us that there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing who would come to lead His flock away. It only alludes to it, but just the fact that the verse states the shepherd would give his life for his sheep leads one to believe that danger would be coming from somewhere. Many come in the name of the Lord and fleece the flock of finances and dignity. It is a sad thing but God will provide justice when it is time. It is important to KNOW the shepherd and truly RECOGNIZE His voice so we are not duped into following a piped piper rather than the Living Savior.

You have no doubt seen the picture that I have placed at the top of the this entry. It is a serene picture with a sheep being carried around the neck of the Lord Jesus. This is what He does for us. He guides and directs us into the greenest of pastures for our own sake. To receive all Christ has for us, we must surrender … for without surrender we are blinded by everything this world represents and prone to being led down a path that may lead to our destruction. Focus on the Lord. Seek Him. Strive to know Him. He WILL honor that request and as a result your life will NEVER be the same.


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