Here is another couple verses of scripture that reveal to us how God cares for His children. Nothing will happen to us that God doesn’t either cause or allow. How could it possibly be any other way? If there was even one thing that was not in His control He would cease to be who He says He is. If He is truly all knowing and ever present, then how could anything be out of His control? In my estimation there couldn’t be. God promises, in far more places than just verse 7, that He will watch over us and keep us from all harm just like a shepherd does for his flock. We are safe in His care. There is no where that we can go that He is unaware of. He has intimate knowledge of all our comings and goings.
This can be very good news or it can be very bad news, depending on where we are and what we are doing. If we are somewhere we ought not to be, then it is bad news. We may keep our whereabouts concealed from everyone on the planet, but God knows exactly where we are every second of every day. If we are where we are supposed to be or perhaps need to be and we are doing that which we should or need to be doing and if our intentions are pure and honorable, then we have absolutely nothing to fear. If evil have crept into our hearts and we are doing that which is wrong in the sight of God, then the fear of earthly things is the least of our problems.
Knowing God’s word and living it are two very different things. If we are attempting to live it daily God will, by His Holy Spirit, guide us in the way that we should go. To live it we must know it and to know it we must read it, but even knowing God’s word backwards and forwards does a person no good if they don’t put it into practice. God is patiently looking for those who will allow themselves to be molded into the likeness of His Son. It’s a long, arduous lifelong process, but a process that is more than worthwhile. Living for God blesses us and in turn has the potential to bless those around us. God is watching over us continually and will never allow things to go off track if our eyes are fixed on Him and Him alone.