David writes in this Psalm that he has never in his entire life ever seen the righteous of God forsaken or going without. Through the prophet Isaiah, God tells the nation of Israel He is the One who made them and will sustain them. It should be comforting to us as grafted in believers to know that God is ever watching and sees what we need at all times. He also sees when we are in need of rescue. Throughout our lives, as we strive to live for Him, we will see and feel the hand and the presence of God Almighty as He provides for us.
When I say grafted in, what I mean by that is that Israel is the chosen of God. When they rejected Christ as their Messiah the gospel was presented to Gentiles or all the non-Jewish peoples of the world (Romans 11:17-21). Paul cautions that we not think more highly of ourselves just because the Jews rejected Christ and we did not, for if God did not “spare the natural branches”, neither will He spare you. With humbleness and humility we are to graciously accept our status as those loved by God and understand that throughout our lives we share be blessed by God’s own hand if we devote ourselves to pleasing Him with our lives.
I am finding that it is so much easier to believe God’s word than to put it into practice. God’s love and mercy are eternal and His grace is unprecedented, however, living for Him seems to get increasingly difficult in spite of His grace. We seem to have our old nature so ingrained in us that we struggle with the things of God. Paul wrote of this struggle in Romans 7:7-25. Verse 15 and 19 essentially sum up Paul’s problem: “… what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. … For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” Fortunately for us all Paul doesn’t leave us without an answer to this quandary. In verse 25 Paul reveals to us that God Himself is the One who delivers us from this body of death that we live in. So it appears to be a common malady among men. We stumble and fall regularly. It’s in the heart where our true feelings reside. God knows our hearts and will enable us to stand on the last day. I know myself that I fail miserably in my efforts to please God. I become depressed over my lack of obedience, yet I know when the dust settles at the end of the day that I am loved by God, completely and unconditionally. And so are you.