If you believe the Bible is the infallible, unalterable, perfect word of God for instruction, encouragement and edification, then these two verses in Paul’s letter to the Colossians prove that God created all things. If you don’t believe that about the Bible or believe it only contains the word of God, then I guess you will believe whatever you choose to believe as divinely inspired or just consider it good reading material. Faith requires trust and belief in what you cannot see, hear, taste or touch. To the average mind, it simply doesn’t exist. To the seeker, the individual who feels there must be more than just being born, living and dying, and feels there must be a higher power at work, these words in Colossians mean something. Once the Holy Spirit quickens a spirit within one of God’s created beings, a hunger begins. We are drawn to God by that very same Holy Spirit. Faith will take you to the foot of the throne where God sits and orchestrates all of creation.
To those that believe, it should be understood and generally accepted that Jesus is God in human form and the Holy Spirit is also God. Jesus walked the earth nearly two thousand years ago and once He ascended back to His rightful place at the right side of the Father the Holy Spirit was sent to inhabit all those who truly believe. The Holy Spirit is God in us. This doesn’t make us gods, nor does it make us God. It makes us children of God inhabited by His spirit. How can we not allow His spirit to guide and direct us? Why must we insist on straining at the leash, seeking to do our own thing? God knows us better than we could ever hope to know ourselves. Even so, He loves us and attempts to speak to us through His word, whether read, spoken or sung. Many times it’s like He is knocking but isn’t being allowed to enter in. We readily accept His forgiveness, yet mistakenly think it ends there. It doesn’t. God wants to use each one of us for His glory.
We strain at the leash because we feel like we know what we’re doing.
We strain at the leash because we don’t understand the complexity of God’s plan and the way things work in the spiritual realm. God desires only the absolute best for His children, however, that involves trust and surrender. We need to acknowledge to ourselves that we are truly lost without Him. We couldn’t save ourselves and we cannot get to heaven alone. Allow the Spirit of God to lead you where you need to go. God created all things; He can take good care of us if we let Him.