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Monday, February 23, 2015


“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”  Proverbs 15:3
         God is ever mindful of our comings and goings.  He knows exactly what is transpiring at each moment of every day.  This is good news for those who live lives that honor the Lord according to His pattern for living.  It’s bad news for those who would do as they please, effectively thumbing their collective noses at the Lord.  Not believing in something or someone frees you up, at least in your own mind, to do that. 
         God is said to be Omnipresent*.  To be omnipresent is to be “present in all places at the same time.” The Lord is capable of this because He’s not confined to a flesh tent, so to speak, like mortal man.  Being all places simultaneously enables Him to know all things, which allows for His Omniscient or all-knowing nature. 
         God is aware of every good and evil deed that is done.  Some might say “then why does He allow terrible things to happen to good people by the hands of wicked men?” God gave man a free will to choose the path He will take.  Many Christians have died throughout the ages at the hand of hate filled, evil men and women; however, God allows this so that He might be glorified in the end.  None of us knows the entire story or the thoughts and heart motivations of each and every player in the scenario.  God knows the very heart of each man and woman He has created.  There are no secrets from Him.  A man’s actions or inactions have condemned him all on their own.  God doesn’t send people to hell; they decide their eternal fate by virtue of their own words and actions or lack there of. 
         Serving an all-seeing, all-knowing God is a personal choice.  You can decide that God must be evil because He allows evil to exist in the world, or you can decide that God is intrinsically good and allows evil as a means of defining mans need for salvation.  The 10 Commandments did that.  They pointed out man’s sinfulness and need for forgiveness.  There will always be men and women who decide to do what we perceive to be evil, perhaps even in the name of God.  But God knows the crux of the matter and will vindicate all those who have died needlessly at the hands of evil men on the final day.  Christian, take comfort in the fact that God is every mindful of your and your situation and He will never give you more than you can handle.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!
*Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003.