Being omniscient, there is nothing in all creation that God is unaware of. So whenever we think, say or do anything God is very much aware of it. This is why we are to think before we speak, act or react to anything that takes place in our lives. We are to think first not out of fear of some punishment, but rather because as Christians we are ambassadors of Christ and are to represent Him well in whatever we think, say and do. God loves us and wants us to succeed in all we do; however, we are supposed to desire to do that which is pleasing to God. That is the whole point of this life we have been given. Not to do as we please, but rather to emulate Christ and glorify God. So it should be a relief and a joy to know that God has intimate knowledge of our comings and our goings. He is, after all, our provider and sustainer. Trust the Lord with all your heart … (Proverbs 3:5a). Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!