There is a day coming when all our stress will be gone; when every negative thought will cease and that day shall be when we are with the Lord in heaven for all eternity. As we are told, death will no longer exist; neither will mourning, crying or pain. God will usher in a new age where things will be as they should be; where things are as He originally intended them to be. While on this earth, we are to live our lives as ambassadors of our Lord each day knowing that our reward lies in our eternal home. We are to strive with determination, as a runner strives for the finish line. We are to equip ourselves for the journey from the deep riches of God’s resources. We are to represent Him well in all we think, say and do so as to be a blessing; God’s hand extended. We will one day be with Him for all eternity; however, until that day, we must see others the way God sees them and treat them accordingly. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!