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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Proverbs: 1:1-2 (NIV) “The proverbs of Solomon, son of David: King of Israel, for attaining wisdom and discipline, for understanding words of insight … “

If we are familiar at all with scripture, particularly the Old Testament, we know the story of Solomon, son of David, who sought great wisdom from God to rightly judge the people of Israel. We read that God not only blessed him with great wisdom, but because of His unselfish request, gave him all that he did NOT ask for as well; wealth and material possessions. Throughout his life, Solomon experienced many things which I suppose could be considered experimentation or a flirting with behavior that was not pleasing to God, however, he always came back from the edge saying that wisdom is truly found in God alone; that everything else is a “chasing after the wind”. If you think about that phrase, you realize exactly what Solomon is saying. Essentially, what he is saying is that ANYTHING apart from God is useless; it is unattainable. Just when you think you have it, it slips right through your fingers and is gone. Like “chasing after the wind” … you may chase after it, but you will never catch it. It goes where it wills … and is not a solid, so it cannot be gotten hold of.

When we approach the book of Proverbs, we need to take seriously the few 7 verses in particular, for they define the reason for reading it in the first place. If you seek wisdom, discipline and understanding of insightful words, read Solomon’s proverbs. Do not read them quickly. Do not scan them as if to meet a daily reading requirement. Read them slowly, line by line, word by word. Soak in what is being said. It is there for a specific purpose; for your wisdom and knowledge. If you rip through it as if in a race, you will miss the nougats of truth that are lying within.

A wise man isn’t void of weaknesses. He is not exempt from failure or frailty. Wise men down through the ages have defied logic with some of the personal decisions they have made. However, what truly made them wise was their ability to seem the folly of their own ways and make self-correction so as to right their own ship, as it were.
THAT is a sign of true wisdom, in my humble opinion. To make corrections in your own thought processes your own direction through introspection and self inspection. Being willing to learn something new. Being ever mindful that no matter how wise you are, you know from Whom your wisdom comes.

Do you seek knowledge? Fear the Lord. Do you seek wisdom, not for wisdoms sake alone, but to serve others more effectively? Revere your God. Seek HIS face daily. Seek to be like your Lord in all you think, say and do. Wisdom will come when you show a humble, NON self seeking heart. God will never deny that which is sought selflessly, according to His will for the assistance of others. To coin the phrase made popular by Rick Warren in the Purpose Driven Life, “It’s not all about you!” It’s not about us at all. It is all about God. And not what God can do for us. He did for us all we need and will ever need. It is about what we can do for Him. Seek His wisdom today.


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