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Saturday, November 5, 2011


There are times in every believer’s life when we want to ask the question: “Why God? Why?” At times we ask it quietly, sometimes loudly … there are times when we wish we could scream it at the top of our lungs. God doesn’t hear the question any more clearly; it just seems to make us feel a little better. It is probably a physiological thing. Something to do with releasing stress or the like. No matter how we ask the question or how often, we usually will get the same response from our benevolent Deity … silence.

Does He not care? Did He not hear us? Is He hard of hearing? Is He ignoring us? Has He forgotten us? In answer to these questions, YES, YES, NO, NO, NO. Okay, so then where did He go? Is He asleep? What gives?

Yes, He does care very much. Yes, He DID hear us; no matter what volume we happen to say it. No, He is absolutely NOT deaf or hard of hearing. No, He is not ignoring us. And no, He has not forgotten us. He didn’t go anywhere and does not sleep. So what DOES give?

Our Heavenly Father sees every tear drop that wells up and falls from your eye. When we have a need, no matter what it is, the wheels in heaven are turning to provide the answer. I believe that God would create something that had never been in existence before, if necessary, to meet the need of one of His children. In the end, what it really all comes down to is TRUST.

Do we TRUST our unseen Father enough to take care of our every need, no matter what it is? It is with unspoken understanding that that which we request lines up with His word and His will, which is laid out in scripture. It is interesting to me that we want instantaneous answers to our every question and immediate solutions to our every problem, yet do not feel any unction to spend any more time with God than we have to. Oh, trust me when I tell you, I am NOT pointing any fingers here. I am as guilty as the next person for neglecting my quiet time with the Creator. Yet this is what He desires from us. Time. Alone. With Him. Praising. Worshiping. Glorifying. Thanking. And then, if needs be, beseeching, imploring, questioning and then, by design, finding some semblance of peace.

God will answer. Yes, He will. But God does not operate on our time schedule. Scripture tells us that “a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day” to our Lord. Time is irrelevant to Him. This moment in our lives is a microscopic nothing compared to eternity. He will provide what you need, whether it is an answer, a material possession, finances, employment, healing … you name it … when He knows the perfect time is. We are in such a hurry. We must engage our faith and put our trust in play. Relying on God is never an easy thing. Just imagine what those of us who are “control freaks” go through. But God is always there, always watching, always listening. Sometimes I believe He wants to see if we are learning the lessons He is trying to teach us about faith and trust. He knows what He is doing. Failure isn’t in His nature. Impossible is not in His vocabulary. He is Almighty God, Creator of everything that was and is and is to be. Praise Him for who He is, take a deep breath (maybe two) and let your faith kick in. It’s in there … inside you. It’s that smoldering ember in the core of your spirit that is looking to ignite into a flame. Allow it the oxygen it needs to burst forth into a blaze that cannot be extinguished.


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