It’s been said that when we forgive someone we are the beneficiaries more so than those we have forgiven. I wholeheartedly agree. To forgive relieves a burden within us that releases us to be at peace. However, there are times when we feel our anger is justified and we either don’t see the need to forgive or worse yet, simply don’t want to. That’s a very human reaction which God understands; His patience for us is unending and at times it needs to be. We need to embrace the forgiveness God gave us and understand the magnitude of this precious gift. Perhaps then we can fully appreciate what our forgiveness means to one who has offended us in some way.
Christ isn’t like us at all; instead, Christ is our example. We are to think, speak and act like Jesus in all things. God knows that’s difficult for us because He made us. We are a work in progress; learning lessons as we go. One important lesson for our benefit is to forgive as we have been forgiven. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!