The Apostle John is writing this letter to an unnamed church who is experiencing division due to some believers’ claim of being spiritually superior to others in the congregation. The letter is specifically for those who are said to be spiritually inferior. John is reminding them of the truths they have come to believe, assuring them that they are part of the one true faith.
In these two verses we find comfort and strength. Since none of us are perfect we will sin against God. It’s our duty as followers of Christ to avoid the possibility as any and all cost; however, if we do sin we have someone who will stand up for us. That person is none other than Jesus Christ. He took our place on a cross that should have been for us. We sinned, He was sinless. He bore our pain and our shame willingly. Avoid sinning, but if you stumble, seek forgiveness and you shall find it in the person of God’s Son. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!