“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 18:5)
The vine sustains the branches, therefore without the sustenance provided the branch would wither and die. We see it all the time with trees and bushes that don't get enough water. Water contains natural nutrients to sustain life. So it is with the believer. Those who truly wish to be productive Christians in a lost and dying world will need to draw their spiritual nourishment from the Lord Himself if they want to bear fruit.
The word "remain" is important in this verse of scripture. This isn't a hit or miss proposition. It's prolonged exposure to the only One who saves the soul. There is no other way to go which will enable us to life a godly life and make a difference in this world.
It is my belief that when Jesus says we can "do nothing" He speaks of those things of eternal value. It should be obvious that there are many things we are able to do and in fact, are very normal things that are done each and every day in the course of living your life. I think Christ's meaning is clear. Draw from the vine of your soul and be spiritually nourished now and forevermore. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!