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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Monday, January 26, 2015


“You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”  James 4:2c-3
         God conscious people and many casual Christians seem to think that whatever they ask for of God they will receive. I mean doesn’t the Bible even say “Ask and you shall receive…”? Yes, taken out of context one could come to that conclusion; however, God isn’t a genie in a bottle granting wishes arbitrarily to any and all that should happen to ask.  God is a sovereign, righteous, holy spiritual being that created man for His good pleasure.  It’s to be understood that God answers the requests of His children, not Joe Bag-a-donuts off the street who wishes to have a nicer apartment or car.  Joe asks, doesn’t receive and concludes that there is no God.  The children of God ask and receive that which God knows is best for them at the precise moment He knows it is needed and we praise His name.
         The fact of the matter is that when the righteous ask for things that fall in line with the will of God for their lives they receive in ample supply.  While material possessions in and of themselves are not evil, they are not the best God has to offer us. We are human beings who often give in to worldly wants. In the process our definition of wants vs. needs becomes out of focus.  What is our motive for the things we desire?  God knows our hearts deepest motivations.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  We need to understand that the One who created all things shall meet all our needs.  We don’t receive at times because God in all His mercy is sparing us from what will happen if we do receive what we ask for. You’ve no doubt heard the secular phrase “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”
          The issue comes down to trust.  Do we trust God enough to meet our needs and fulfill our greatest desires?  Or do we feel we must help Him by providing some things on our own.  God will not stop you for side stepping His wishes for you.  He will let you go your own way, always watching, always loving you, until the day that you stop and realize what you’ve done.  Then He will be waiting with open arms to welcome you back onto the path you have wandered off of.  Seek the will of God for your life and trust Him to take good care of you along the way.  No one knows you better than He does.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!