In today’s world of selfish, self-absorbed individuals we read this admonishment to the people of Philippi. We find more and more people who only think about themselves and their own families and ignore the needs of others. This ought not to be. Believers in Christ especially need to heed this warning. We are to be an example to the world of what Christ is truly like. We are to emulate Him in all we think, say and do. I fall way short on a daily basis and I know you do too, but as long as we recognize that fact and have a teachable, malleable spirit we can overcome our ingrained habits and prejudices and begin to literally be Christ to a lost and dying world. It starts with one act of kindness, one word of encouragement or one time when we don’t retaliate. We don’t lose our identity, but rather become all God knows we can be in this life. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!