C.S. Lewis once said of Jesus Christ, “Either this man was, and is, the Son of God or else a madman or something worse.” Peter, who had spent time with Jesus, knew in his spirit that He was God’s Son. Who do you say He is? Scripture is clear for anyone who cares to see it; God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save a creation that had lost its way. Christ is the linchpin, the key element in the salvation of mankind. Without Jesus there is no hope of forgiveness by God for the multitude of sins we have all committed. Without Jesus hell is our eternal destination. However, God had a plan. He knew the heart of man from the start. He knew his propensity to sin. God knew that left to his own devices man would arrive at the place he is now; riddled with sin and eternally lost. God knew, so He sent Jesus to do what no mere mortal could ever do. Jesus allowed Himself to be beaten, tortured and murdered for our sake. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!