In the 34 years that I have walked with the Lord I have found that there are as many valleys as there are mountain peaks. There are also lulls and plateaus which I have found are times of spiritual growth. If living for Christ takes anything it takes perseverance. Perseverance is a steady continuance; a stick-to-it, follow-it-through type of nature that carries you when things are at their darkest. This perseverance is born out of faith. When we place our faith in God we slowly learn that He can be trusted. Once we know that, we find out through scripture that He is with us wherever we go and that He will never forsake us. That is what fuels our ‘follow through’. God will see us through any situation if we rely on Him to do so. Taking matters into our own hands can lead to disastrous results as far too many of us have found out first hand. Relying on God to lead us is what will keep us from getting entangled in life’s hindrances. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!