Nothing in this world can match the glory and majesty of our God. The earth itself is created for His good pleasure and ours. Someday the world as we know it will cease to exist. It’s a day that the Father alone knows. If we seek to do His Will throughout our lives we shall live with Him in eternity. That seems vague, indistinct and impossible for us to comprehend at this time. We are busy living life. God’s Will for all mankind shall live forever and never be thwarted. Those who question God’s very existence shall find out too late that He was and is and always shall be and His perfect, infallible Will shall come to pass in His good time. All the supposed treasures this world has to offer shall pass away along with the desire for such things. Now is the time to lay aside foolish things and stand tall for all that God stands for. Now, more than ever, is the time to be like Christ to a lost and dying world. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!