The Apostle Paul, who at one time sought to murder Christians, now makes this incredible statement; he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is powerful and can alter the path we are on forever; however, we must allow it to do so. Knowing the good news and keeping it to ourselves is selfish. Someone had to share it with you. Cultivate your personal relationship with the Lord to the extent that you can sense His presence leading you. Ask God to then lead you to a person who needs to be encouraged in their life. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Share your faith with others. Pray for opportunities. Make a positive difference in people’s lives. Glorify God with your life. Be ready in season and out of season. (2 Timothy 4:2) to declare that which you believe to be true. Do that and God will draw people to you. Until next time…walk with the King and be a blessing!